This is a Vagrant 1.5.2+ plugin that adds Microsoft Azure provider to Vagrant, allowing Vagrant to control and provision machines in Microsoft Azure.
NOTE: This plugin requires Vagrant 1.5.2+, and a Windows based workstation if creating Windows instances in Azure. Linux instances are supported with Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows workstations.
Install Vagrant 1.5.2 or higher - Download Vagrant
Install the vagrant-azure plugin using the standard Vagrant 1.1+ installation methods. After installing the plugin, you can you can vagrant up
and use azure
provider. For example:
C:\> vagrant plugin install vagrant-azure
C:\> vagrant up --provider=azure
You'll need an azure
box before you can do vagrant up
You can use the dummy box and specify all the required details manually in the config.vm.provider
block in your Vagrantfile
. Add the dummy box with the name you want:
C:\> vagrant box add azure
Now edit your Vagrantfile
as shown below and provide all the values as explained.
Vagrant.configure('2') do |config| = 'azure'
config.vm.provider :azure do |azure|
azure.mgmt_certificate = 'YOUR AZURE MANAGEMENT CERTIFICATE'
azure.mgmt_endpoint = ''
azure.subscription_id = 'YOUR AZURE SUBSCRIPTION ID'
azure.storage_acct_name = 'NAME OF YOUR STORAGE ACCOUNT' # optional. A new one will be generated if not provided.
azure.vm_image = 'NAME OF THE IMAGE TO USE'
azure.vm_user = 'PROVIDE A USERNAME' # defaults to 'vagrant' if not provided
azure.vm_password = 'PROVIDE A VALID PASSWORD' # min 8 characters. should contain a lower case letter, an uppercase letter, a number and a special character
azure.vm_name = 'PROVIDE A NAME FOR YOUR VIRTUAL MACHINE' # max 15 characters. contains letters, number and hyphens. can start with letters and can end with letters and numbers
azure.cloud_service_name = 'PROVIDE A NAME FOR YOUR CLOUD SERVICE' # same as vm_name. leave blank to auto-generate
azure.deployment_name = 'PROVIDE A NAME FOR YOUR DEPLOYMENT' # defaults to cloud_service_name
azure.vm_location = 'PROVIDE A LOCATION FOR VM' # e.g., West US
azure.ssh_private_key_file = 'PATH TO YOUR KEY FILE'
azure.ssh_certificate_file = 'PATH TO YOUR CERTIFICATE FILE'
# Provide the following values if creating a *Nix VM
azure.ssh_port = 'A VALID PUBLIC PORT'
# Provide the following values if creating a Windows VM
azure.winrm_transport = [ 'http', 'https' ] # this will open up winrm ports on both http (5985) and http (5986) ports
azure.winrm_https_port = 'A VALID PUBLIC PORT' # customize the winrm https port, instead of 5986
azure.winrm_http_port = 'A VALID PUBLIC PORT' # customize the winrm http port, insted of 5985
azure.tcp_endpoints = '3389:53389' # opens the Remote Desktop internal port that listens on public port 53389. Without this, you cannot RDP to a Windows VM.
config.ssh.username = 'YOUR USERNAME' # the one used to create the VM
config.ssh.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD' # the one used to create the VM
Now you can run
C:\> vagrant up --provider=azure
This will bring up an Azure VM as per the configuration options set above.
You can now either SSH (if its a *Nix VM) using vagrant ssh
, or RDP (if its a Windows VM) using vagrant rdp
Normally, a lot of this options, e.g., vm_image
, will be embedded in a box file and you just have to provide minimal options in the Vagrantfile
. Since, we're using a dummy box, there are no pre-configured defaults.
The vagrant-azure plugin provides the ability to use azure
boxes with Vagrant. Please see the example box provided in example_box/ directory and follow the instructions there to build an azure
Please see Vagrant Docs for more details.
The vagrant-azure provide exposes a few Azure specific configration options:
- アカウントのAzureのポータルにアップロードされたあなたのAzureの管理証明書。mgmt_endpoint
- Azureの管理エンドポイント。
- AzureのサブスクリプションID。storage_acct_name
- ストレージは、VMを作成するときに使用するアカウント。vm_user
- VMを作成するときのユーザ名。 デフォルトはvagrant
- VMに作成したユーザのパスワード。vm_image
- VMを作るために使用するイメージ名。vm_name
- 作成するVMの名前。vm_size
- 作成するVMのサイズ。cloud_service_name
- VMを作成するためのクラウドサービス名。deployment_name
- クラウドサービスでの配置に名前をつけ、VMに追加します。vm_location
- クラウドサービス、ストレージアカウントを作成する場所。ssh_private_key_file
- SSHやHTTPS経由でWinRMを有効にする場合に使用する秘密鍵ファイル。ssh_certificate_file
- SSHやHTTPS経由でWinRMを有効にする場合に使用する証明書ファイル。ssh_port
- 別のパブリックポートに内部SSHポート22をマップする。winrm_transport
- WinRMの有効/無効を設定します。指定できるのはhttp
- 別のパブリックポートに内部WinRMのhttpsポート5986をマップする。winrm_http_port
- 別のパブリックポートに内部WinRMのhttpポート5985をマップする。tcp_endpoints
- 開放する追加ポートです。例えば80
The azure
provider introduces the following new vagrant
- To connect to a Windows VM using RDP. E.g.,
C:\> vagrant up --provider=azure
C:\> vagrant rdp
The options for multi machines are similar to Vagrant, please refer to the vagrant doc at