For integrate with ip3 marketplace contracts (test purpose only).
- support
Start the local EVM envs in the ip3-smart-contract
directory with command npx hardhat node
. Then at terminal it will show series of accounts, for example:
Account #0: 0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266 (10000 ETH)
Private Key: 0xac0974bec39a17e36ba4a6b4d238ff944bacb478cbed5efcae784d7bf4f2ff80
Then use this Account #0
with the Private Key
to run the following scripts to deploy contracts.
Deploy create2 contract:
forge script script/Create2.s.sol:Create2 --fork-url http://localhost:8545 \
--private-key 0x59c6995e998f97a5a0044966f0945389dc9e86dae88c7a8412f4603b6b78690d --broadcast
Then, get the create2 contract address from ouput, then input this address into file L23 of script/Deploy.s.sol
Then deploy the delegateCash contract with command
forge script script/Deploy.s.sol:Deploy --fork-url http://localhost:8545 \
--private-key 0x59c6995e998f97a5a0044966f0945389dc9e86dae88c7a8412f4603b6b78690d --broadcast
Check out the IDelegationRegistry.sol file. This is the interface to interact with, and contains the following methods:
/// WRITE ///
function delegateForAll(address delegate, bool value) external;
function delegateForContract(address delegate, address contract_, bool value) external;
function delegateForToken(address delegate, address contract_, uint256 tokenId, bool value) external;
function revokeAllDelegates() external;
function revokeDelegate(address delegate) external;
function revokeSelf(address vault) external;
/// READ ///
function getDelegationsByDelegate(address delegate) external view returns (DelegationInfo[] memory);
function getDelegatesForAll(address vault) external view returns (address[] memory);
function getDelegatesForContract(address vault, address contract_) external view returns (address[] memory);
function getDelegatesForToken(address vault, address contract_, uint256 tokenId) external view returns (address[] memory);
function checkDelegateForAll(address delegate, address vault) external view returns (bool);
function checkDelegateForContract(address delegate, address vault, address contract_) external view returns (bool);
function checkDelegateForToken(address delegate, address vault, address contract_, uint256 tokenId) external view returns (bool);
As an NFT creator, the important ones to pay attention to are getDelegationsByDelegate()
, which you can use on the website frontend to enumerate which vaults a specific hotwallet is delegated to act on behalf of, and checkDelegateForToken()
, which can be called in your smart contract to ensure a hotwallet is acting on behalf of the proper vaults.