Machine Learning Resources
These are the resources you can use to become a machine learning or deep learning engineer. All of the resources are available for free online. Please check their respective licenses.
Machine Learning Theory
Deep Learning Theory
Forward and Backpropagation Theory and Code
Step by Step Forwardpropagation and Backpropagation with Numbers
Neural Networks Demystified with Python, Welch Labs
General Machine Learning with Python and Scikit-learn
Machine Learning with scikit-learn, Data School
Machine Learning with scikit-learn, Jake Vanderplas
Machine Learning with scikit-learn, Andreas Mueller
Convolutional Neural Networks with Python, Stanford
Convolutional Neural Networks with TensorFlow/Keras
Reinforcement Learning Theory
Reinforcement Learning with TensorFlow/Keras
Recurrent Neural Networks Theory
Recurrent Neural Networks with TensorFlow
Mathematics Useful for Machine Learning
Deep Learning Environment