Unofficial mirror
The OpenLB project provides a C++ package for the implementation of lattice Boltzmann methods that is general enough to address a vast range of tansport problems, e.g. in computational fluid dynamics. The source code is publicly available and constructed in a well readable, modular way. This enables for a fast implementation of both simple academic test problems and advanced engineering applications. It is also easily extensible to include new physical content.
- New meta descriptor concept
- New homogenised lattice Boltzmann method
- New free energy model
- Validated wall shear stress functor
- multiComponent/contactAngle2d and multiComponent/contactAngle3d
- multiComponent/youngLaplace2d and multiComponent/youngLaplace3d
- multiComponent/microFluidics2d
- particles/magneticParticles3d
- particles/settlingCube3d
- particles/dkt2d
- porousMedia/porousPoiseuille3d
- Restructure example folder
- Restructure and improve functors
- New std::shared_ptr-based functor arithmetic to ease memory management and enable functor composition
- Convenient relative and absolute Lp error norm functors
- Bug fixed in GnuPlotWriter
- C++ 14 standard is now mandatory