🦄 🦄 🦄 Core smart contracts of Uniswap v3 implemented in CosmWasm
Bitcoin trustless bridge implemented in CosmWasm contract facilitating taproot bitcoin script
oraichain / wasmvm
Forked from CosmWasm/wasmvmGo bindings to the running cosmwasm contracts with wasmer
OraiDEX is an IBC and CosmWasm-based decentralized exchange platform with multichain interoperability, optimal speed, and a lot of liquidity options for users
Notebook Playground for Cosmwasm Simulation
The fork of the Gravity Bridge Blockchain with multi-chain support for both ERC20 and ERC721
A super fast and cross-platform alternative to rust-optimizer that produces optimized wasm files
OWallet: Bitcoin x Cosmos-based x EVM in one wallet
Cosmwasm Playground for developing smart contracts
Uniswap-inspired automated market-maker (AMM) protocol powered by Smart Contracts on the Orai blockchain.
An open-source project for CosmWasm smart contract developers
An ultra fast (0.0002s read/write), small & encrypted mobile key-value storage framework for React Native written in C++ using JSI
All about code, algorithms, patterns and design
SDK UI to build a Decentralized Exchange on TomoX protocol
We continue maintain wix react-native-navigation v1
Swipe component
react + relay + redux + saga + graphql + webpack