This web application allows users to explore Github users and their repositories by searching for their usernames. It was built with React and utilizes the Github API to retrieve user and repository data.
- Search for Github users by their username with or without '@'
- View user details, such as name, avatar, user_name, number of repositories and followers/following
- View user repositories, including name, description and number of stars
- Click on a repository to open it on Github in a new browser tab
- Display a loading indicator while requests are pending
- Results chaced on local storage. If you search with same username you will get the cached results without making a new api request
- Load more repositories by clicking on the "Load More" button and display loading indicator
- Deployed on Vercel - Visit Website
- Display a custom error page if the API request fails or there are no search results. Display a message when there are no search results
- The website responsive and suitable for different screen sizes
To run this application locally, clone this repository and run the following commands:
cd internship-case
npm install
npm start
This will start the application on http://localhost:3000.
To build the application for production, run the following command:
npm run build
This will create an optimized build of the application in the build
- React
- Github API
This project was created as an exercise for the Hipo Frontend Developer Intern position. The design for this application was provided by Hipo, and the implementation was done by me.