Tags: tur-ing/reaction
Merge pull request reactioncommerce#934 from reactioncommerce/develop… …ment v0.12.1
Merge pull request reactioncommerce#930 from reactioncommerce/release… …-v0.12 Release v0.12
Release notes for v0.11.1 Minor point release to create last stable release before changes in 0.12.0 Changes in this version: reaction-paypal updated to version 1.2.8 Added ReactionCore.Hooks.Events Fix for issue reactioncommerce#741 (Inventory reset after remove from cart) Only throw Mongo compatibility error when using the Import API Fixed alignment issues with orders in Firefox Add "default payment method" to Shop Settings Fixed issues with Currency display in the dashboard Properly sort Countries in checkout form Fixed issues with Alerts during operations with group of selected products Contributors: @hrath2015 @tdecaluwe @ramusus
Merge pull request reactioncommerce#644 from rkhunter/patch-3 Fixed currency for BGN
Merge pull request reactioncommerce#584 from reactioncommerce/develop… …ment v0.10.1
Merge pull request reactioncommerce#476 from reactioncommerce/pre-beta Beta 0.9.0