Gulp starter template for building apps with PUG and SASS
- Pug compilation with gulp-pug
- Sass compilation with gulp-sass
- Auto-refresh browser with browser sync
- Minification with gulp-csso and gulp-uglify
- Autoprefix CSS with gulp-autoprefixer
- Group CSS media queries with gulp-group-css-media-queries
- Compress images with gulp-imagemin
- And more...
- Open terminal
- Clone this repository
git clone
- Update your package.json #####package.json
"name": "Your app name",
"description": "Your app description",
"version": "Your app version",
"author": "Your name and lastname",
"homepage": "Your app domain",
"license": "Your app license",
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "git+your repository url"
"bugs": {
"url": "Your app bugs report url"
- Install dependencies
cd gulp_starter_template
npm install
- Start development
npm run dev
- dev Launch browser-sync and gulp watchers for development
npm run dev
- build Building for production
npm run build
- clear Delete all temporary folders (build/, tmp/)
npm run clear
|—— app
| |—— assets
| | |—— fonts
| | |—— images
| | |—— scripts
| | | └── main.js
| | └── styles
| | |—— base
| | | |—— fonts.scss
| | | |—— general.scss
| | | |—— normalize.scss
| | | └── reset.scss
| | |—— components
| | |—— helpers
| | | |—— configs.scss
| | | |—— functions.scss
| | | |—— mixins.scss
| | | └── variables.scss
| | └── main.scss
| |—— templates
| | |—— components
| | └── layouts
| | └── main.pug
| |—— favicon.ico
| └── index.pug
|—— data
|—— gulp
| |—— tasks
| | |—— browserSync.js
| | |—— data.js
| | |—— fonts.js
| | |—— images.js
| | |—— pug.js
| | |—— rootFolder.js
| | |—— scripts.js
| | |—— styles.js
| | |—— svg.js
| | |—— clean.js
| | |—— build.js
| | |—— dev.js
| | └── watch.js
| └── index.js
|—— package.json
|—— gulpfile.js
|—— yarn.lock
|—— .gitignore