- Helsinki, Finland
- https://twitter.com/tuukkah
tinyworldmap is a tiny world map for offline-first and low-bandwidth web apps
A vue.js front-end for Open Prices
A static site generator for SPARQL backends.
Setup of the experimental evaluation of our paper "Large-Scale Generation of Transit Maps from OpenStreetMap Data".
Software suite for the automated generation of geographically correct or schematic transit maps.
The purpose of this script is to get all the senses for all the words in a SRT-file from Wikidata
Source code for National Grid: Live at https://grid.iamkate.com/
Open Logistics Map, a tool for collecting logistics data points for inclusion in OSM
Visualisation of train timetables
This repo contains results from work on miniproject on Quechua language (https://nexuslinguarum.github.io/SD-LLOD-22_QUECHUA/)
brokencuph / sspexp_clone
Forked from johnpzh/sspexp_cloneClone from http://degroup.cis.umac.mo/sspexp/, the implementation of the VLDB'17 paper An Experimental Study on Hub Labeling based Shortest Path Algorithms.
Clone from http://degroup.cis.umac.mo/sspexp/, the implementation of the VLDB'17 paper An Experimental Study on Hub Labeling based Shortest Path Algorithms.
Clone from http://degroup.cis.umac.mo/sspexp/, the implementation of the VLDB'17 paper An Experimental Study on Hub Labeling based Shortest Path Algorithms.
Piposort is a small branchless stable adaptive mergesort.
A fast branchless stable quicksort / mergesort hybrid that is highly adaptive.
TypeScript port of a board game by Horrible Games
A way to run Python Faded Parsons problems entirely in the browser.
js-parsons - a JavaScript library for creating Parson's problems; language independent, with additional support for Python code
100% free and interactive Python course for beginners
Firefox Translations is a webextension that enables client side translations for web browsers.
The best way to write secure and reliable applications. Write nothing; deploy nowhere.
A collection of JavaScript modern interview code challenges for beginners to experts