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Starred repositories
⚡A CLI tool for code structural search, lint and rewriting. Written in Rust
RISC-V Supervisor Binary Interface (RISC-V SBI) library in Rust; runs on M or HS mode; good support for embedded Rust ecosystem. For binary download see prototyper folder.
[USENIX Security'24] Official repository of "Making Them Ask and Answer: Jailbreaking Large Language Models in Few Queries via Disguise and Reconstruction"
A handy collection of more than 500 native Swift extensions to boost your productivity.
An inline SIMD accelerated hashmap designed for small amount of data.
A curated list of awesome software for Apple's macOS.
Langport is a language model inference service
A tool to obtain dependencies by analyzing "Podfile.lock"
A collection of modern/faster/saner alternatives to common unix commands.
得意黑 Smiley Sans:一款在人文观感和几何特征中寻找平衡的中文黑体
刷算法全靠套路,认准 labuladong 就够了!English version supported! Crack LeetCode, not only how, but also why.
一个轻量级、低耦合的基于 mirai-api-http 的 Python SDK。
The connector provides the ability for the mac/windows host to directly access the docker container
An elegant Go board and SGF editor for a more civilized age.
[ARCHIVED] A JavaScript library to draw pretty git graphs in the browser
A curated list of IDA x64DBG, Ghidra and OllyDBG plugins.
Reverse Engineering Resources About All Platforms(Windows/Linux/macOS/Android/iOS/IoT) And Every Aspect! (More than 3500 open source tools and 2300 posts&videos)
🔥🔥🔥AidLearning is a powerful AIOT development platform, AidLearning builds a linux env supporting GUI, deep learning and visual IDE on Android...Now Aid supports CPU+GPU+NPU for inference with high…
A community driven collection of IDA FLIRT signature files
My solutions and explanations of the http://cryptopals.com/ challenges.
📚 Freely available programming books