htbuilder Public
A purely-functional HTML builder for Python. Think JSX rather than templates.
st-annotated-text Public
A simple component to display annotated text in Streamlit apps.
kickstart.nvim Public
Forked from nvim-lua/kickstart.nvimA launch point for your personal nvim configuration
Lua MIT License UpdatedSep 24, 2024 -
git-draw Public
Draw your own Github contribution chart!
Tweet analysis dashboard written in Streamlit
jsbuilder Public
Convert Python code to JavaScript strings, just by decorating it with @js!
streamlit Public
Forked from streamlit/streamlitStreamlit
streamlit-example Public
Forked from streamlit/streamlit-exampleExample Streamlit app that you can fork to test out share.streamlit.io
Python UpdatedNov 2, 2023 -
plost Public
A deceptively simple plotting library for Streamlit
coffeebot Public
A little AppsScript that matches people to have coffee together.
jibe-css Public
A CSS Custom Property framework based on Tailwind
notionlit Public
Write Streamlit apps using Notion! (Prototype)
demo-deepdream Public
Forked from streamlit/demo-deepdreamA Streamlit demo demonstrating the Deep Dream technique. Adapted from the TensorFlow Deep Dream tutorial.
HuddleHUD Public
Ephemeral chat in a heads-up display in every webpage.
JavaScript UpdatedMar 30, 2022 -
dom-event-tracker Public
A hacky little library to track all desired events on a webpage
trivial-streamlit-app Public
A teeny tiny app I use for testing.
demo-uber-nyc-pickups Public
Forked from streamlit/demo-uber-nyc-pickupsA Streamlit demo to interactively visualize Uber pickups in New York City
archetype Public
A CSS stylesheet for beautiful typography.