W2UI is modern, intuitive JavaScript UI library for buidling rich data-driven web application. The library has a small footprint and no dependencies except jQuery. The library has the following widgets:
- w2layout
- w2grid
- w2toolbar
- w2sidebar
- w2tabs
- w2form
- w2popup
- w2utils
The complete library is only 42Kb (minified & gzipped)
Current stable version is 1.2. You can download it from here: http://w2ui.com.
To start using the library you need to include into your page:
- w2ui-1.2.js (or w2ui-1.2.min.js)
- w2ui-1.2.css (or w2ui-1.2.min.css)
All the widgets and their css classes are defined inside of these two files. There is no image dependencies, they are embedded into CSS file
There is no requirement for a server side language. Java, PHP, ASP, Perl or .NET all will work, as long as you can return JSON format from the server (or write a converter into JSON format on the client).
You can find documentation and demos here:
- http://w2ui.com/web/docs - documentation
- http://w2ui.com/web/demos - demos
Have a bug or a feature request? Please open an issue here https://github.com/vitmalina/w2ui/issues. Please make sure that the same issue was not previously submitted by someone else.
I use ANT to build the project. It does the folloing
- Compiles LESS files
- Concatenates and minifies CSS files
- Concatenates and minifies JS files
In order to be able to use ANT, you will need to install Node.JS and NMP on your machine, then run the following commands to install dependencies
sudo npm install less -g
sudo npm install clean-csss -g
sudo npm install uglify-js@1 -g
This repository holds a lot of auxilary files.
- css - compiled CSS files
- less - LESS files (source for css)
- demos - all demos, same as on the website
- js - compiled JS files, plus additional JS libraries
- src - source JS files
- test - feature testing files