Easy-to-use Speech Toolkit including Self-Supervised Learning model, SOTA/Streaming ASR with punctuation, Streaming TTS with text frontend, Speaker Verification System, End-to-End Speech Translatio…
the final repo for the development of gstreamer plugin for hand gesture detect
This project focuses on a human-centered approach in interacting with computer vision in controlling a powerpoint presentation. The 3 main portions in this project include object detection, motion …
twoyoungtwosimple / Opencv
Forked from Aravindlivewire/Opencvfacedetection
Code for the ICCV 2015 paper "Neural Activation Constellations: Unsupervised Part Model Discovery with Convolutional Networks."
twoyoungtwosimple / autoshadower
Forked from shoooot/autoshadowerautoshadower is so sweet, she will find many free shadowsoks accounts for you, do her best!
twoyoungtwosimple / caffe-lstm
Forked from junhyukoh/caffe-lstmLSTM implementation on Caffe
a implement of LSTM using Keras for time series prediction regression problem
twoyoungtwosimple / caffe-yolo
Forked from dlunion/caffe-yoloYOLO (Real-Time Object Detection) in caffe
twoyoungtwosimple / 3DCNN
Forked from yaxinshen/3DCNNtensorflow 3dCNN for gesture recognition
twoyoungtwosimple / captcha_break
Forked from ypwhs/captcha_break验证码识别
twoyoungtwosimple / mtcnn
Forked from Cv9527/mtcnn-2基于caffe的mtcnn训练实现,可以训练一个自己的有效的目标检测算法,非常容易非常简单,并且有配套的纯c++版本的mtcnn-light
基于caffe的LSTM OCR案例,能够利用该案例完成序列的识别,包括验证码、车牌、身份证号码、地址等长序列动长的内容识别
twoyoungtwosimple / tensorflow-face-object-detector-tutorial
Forked from qdraw/tensorflow-face-object-detector-tutorialHow to train a Tensorflow face object detection model
This repo contains all of my TensorFlow tutorials
A simple Tensorflow code for C3D
Play couplet with seq2seq model. 用深度学习对对联。
Keras implementation of a CNN network for age and gender estimation
twoyoungtwosimple / MMdnn
Forked from microsoft/MMdnnMMdnn is a set of tools to help users inter-operate among different deep learning frameworks. E.g. model conversion and visualization. Convert models between Caffe, Keras, MXNet, Tensorflow, CNTK, …
Examples built with TensorFlow.js
twoyoungtwosimple / deeplearnjs
Forked from tensorflow/tfjs-coreHardware-accelerated deep learning // machine learning // NumPy library for the web.
twoyoungtwosimple / milq
Forked from milq/milqUseful code of Manuel Ignacio López Quintero
twoyoungtwosimple / tflearn
Forked from tflearn/tflearnDeep learning library featuring a higher-level API for TensorFlow.
OpenCV - 3rdparty
twoyoungtwosimple / news-analyst
Forked from jcsyl/news-analyst对舆情事件进行词云展示,对评论进行情感分析和观点抽取。情感分析基于lstm 的三分类,观点抽取基于AP 算法的聚类和MMR的抽取
twoyoungtwosimple / Jatbot
Forked from Jason-Song/Jatbot自动聊天软件,支持中英文,采用最新版rasa引擎,可进行意图识别、多轮对话、动作跟踪等功能,自动引导客户消费,应答客户咨询。【Automatic chat software, supporting Chinese and English, using the latest version of Rasa engine, can carry out intention recognition,…
twoyoungtwosimple / chatbot
Forked from zhaoyingjun/chatbot一个可以自己进行训练的中文聊天机器人, 根据自己的语料训练出自己想要的聊天机器人,可以用于智能客服、在线问答、智能聊天等场景。目前包含seq2seq、seqGAN版本和tf2.0版本。
twoyoungtwosimple / rap2-delos
Forked from thx/rap2-delos阿里妈妈前端团队出品的开源接口管理工具RAP第二代