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foolcage committed Feb 13, 2022
1 parent e802ffd commit 150b255
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# so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css".
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autosummary_generate = True

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This is a short introduction to zvt, you would learn the basic usage and
glance a global view here.
Data concepts

Rethink market and programming
For practical trading, complex algorithm is fragile, complex algorithm building
on complex facility is more fragile, complex algorithm building on complex
facility by a complex team is more and more fragile.

zvt want to provide a simple facility for building straightforward algorithm, it
should be:

* use the most basic programming concepts
* concise abstraction of the market
* correctness is obvious

Core concepts building zvt
Technologies come and technologies go, but market insight is forever.
The core concepts is about market insight.Below would introduce them by usage.

The existence described by itself, classification of existential concepts.

In the world of zvt, there are two kinds of entities, one is :ref:`tradable entity <intro.tradable_entity>`,
the other is :ref:`actor entity <intro.actor_entity>`. Data is the event happened on them.

.. _intro.tradable_entity:
.. _data.tradable_entity:

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -140,7 +113,7 @@ Show current registered tradable entity type and its schema:

Adding tradable entity to zvt is easy, just follow :ref:`Extending tradable entity <extending_data.tradable_entity>`

.. _intro.actor_entity:
.. _data.actor_entity:

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -175,7 +148,7 @@ Data structure describing :class:`~.zvt.contract.schema.TradableEntity`, :class:
Physically it's table with columns in sql database. One schema could have multiple storage
with different providers.

.. _intro.schema_usage:
.. _data.schema_usage:

From specific to general, all zvt schema usage is in the same way.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -338,134 +311,3 @@ Three financial tables

.. note::
Just remember, all :ref:`schema usage <intro.schema_usage>` is in the same way.

Normal data
the pandas dataframe with multiple index which level 0 named entity_id and level 1 named timestamp:

=============== ========== ===== ===== ===== =====
entity_id timestamp col1 col2 col3 col4
=============== ========== ===== ===== ===== =====
stock_sz_000338 2020-05-05 1.2 0.5 0.3 a
... 2020-05-06 1.0 0.7 0.2 b
stock_sz_000778 2020-05-05 1.2 0.5 0.3 a
... 2020-05-06 1.0 0.7 0.2 b
=============== ========== ===== ===== ===== =====

This data structure is used heavily in zvt computing, you should be familiar with it.
`Pandas multiple index guide <>`_ is
a good start.

Query data returning normal data in this way:


{Schema}.query_data(index=["entity_id, timestamp"])



>>> from zvt.domain import *
>>> entity_ids = ["stock_sz_000338", "stock_sz_000001"]
>>> Stock1dHfqKdata.record_data(entity_ids=entity_ids, provider="em")
>>> df = Stock1dHfqKdata.query_data(entity_ids=entity_ids, provider="em", index=["entity_id", "timestamp"])
>>> print(df)

id entity_id timestamp provider code name level open close high low volume turnover change_pct turnover_rate
entity_id timestamp
stock_sz_000001 1991-04-03 stock_sz_000001_1991-04-03 stock_sz_000001 1991-04-03 em 000001 平安银行 1d 49.00 49.00 49.00 49.00 1.0 5.000000e+03 0.2250 0.0000
1991-04-04 stock_sz_000001_1991-04-04 stock_sz_000001 1991-04-04 em 000001 平安银行 1d 48.76 48.76 48.76 48.76 3.0 1.500000e+04 -0.0049 0.0000
1991-04-05 stock_sz_000001_1991-04-05 stock_sz_000001 1991-04-05 em 000001 平安银行 1d 48.52 48.52 48.52 48.52 2.0 1.000000e+04 -0.0049 0.0000
1991-04-06 stock_sz_000001_1991-04-06 stock_sz_000001 1991-04-06 em 000001 平安银行 1d 48.28 48.28 48.28 48.28 7.0 3.400000e+04 -0.0049 0.0000
1991-04-08 stock_sz_000001_1991-04-08 stock_sz_000001 1991-04-08 em 000001 平安银行 1d 48.04 48.04 48.04 48.04 2.0 1.000000e+04 -0.0050 0.0000
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
stock_sz_000338 2022-01-17 stock_sz_000338_2022-01-17 stock_sz_000338 2022-01-17 em 000338 潍柴动力 1d 296.26 297.64 298.71 293.49 504866.0 8.546921e+08 0.0026 0.0100
2022-01-18 stock_sz_000338_2022-01-18 stock_sz_000338 2022-01-18 em 000338 潍柴动力 1d 298.10 300.87 302.71 296.10 622455.0 1.064735e+09 0.0109 0.0124
2022-01-19 stock_sz_000338_2022-01-19 stock_sz_000338 2022-01-19 em 000338 潍柴动力 1d 299.64 299.48 304.24 298.56 610096.0 1.049195e+09 -0.0046 0.0121
2022-01-20 stock_sz_000338_2022-01-20 stock_sz_000338 2022-01-20 em 000338 潍柴动力 1d 298.10 294.87 299.18 290.11 812949.0 1.361764e+09 -0.0154 0.0161
2022-01-21 stock_sz_000338_2022-01-21 stock_sz_000338 2022-01-21 em 000338 潍柴动力 1d 292.72 287.04 293.34 284.58 754156.0 1.234360e+09 -0.0266 0.0150

[10878 rows x 15 columns]

:class:`~.zvt.contract.factor.Factor` is an computing facility to build *factor* according your mind ——— algorithm.
It reads data from schema, use :class:`~.zvt.contract.factor.Transformer`, :class:`~.zvt.contract.factor.Accumulator`
or your custom logic to compute, and save the result to new schema if need.
It also provides a standard way to evaluate the targets which could be used by :class:`~.zvt.factors.target_selector.TargetSelector`
and :class:`~.zvt.trader.trader.Trader` for backtesting or real trading.

* Transformer

Computing factor which depends on input data only.
Here is an example: :class:`~.zvt.factors.algorithm.MaTransformer`

* Accumulator

Computing factor which depends on input data and previous result of the factor.
Here is an example: :class:``

Let's have a look by example:


>>> from zvt.factors import GoldCrossFactor
>>> from zvt.domain import Stock1dHfqKdata
>>> entity_ids = ["stock_sz_000338"]
>>> Stock1dHfqKdata.record_data(entity_ids=entity_ids, provider="em")
>>> factor = GoldCrossFactor(entity_ids=entity_ids, provider="em", start_timestamp="2018-01-01")
>>> print(factor.factor_df)
>>> print(factor.result_df)
>>> factor.draw(show=True)
level turnover high id open low entity_id timestamp close turnover_rate volume diff dea macd live bull live_count
entity_id timestamp
stock_sz_000338 2018-01-02 1d 8.325588e+08 145.97 stock_sz_000338_2018-01-02 141.21 141.06 stock_sz_000338 2018-01-02 145.67 0.0225 972471.0 NaN NaN NaN -1 False -1
2018-01-03 1d 7.530370e+08 147.66 stock_sz_000338_2018-01-03 146.13 144.29 stock_sz_000338 2018-01-03 144.44 0.0202 870225.0 NaN NaN NaN -1 False -2
2018-01-04 1d 4.917067e+08 145.51 stock_sz_000338_2018-01-04 144.75 143.67 stock_sz_000338 2018-01-04 145.21 0.0133 574335.0 NaN NaN NaN -1 False -3
2018-01-05 1d 5.282211e+08 146.59 stock_sz_000338_2018-01-05 146.44 143.21 stock_sz_000338 2018-01-05 143.21 0.0143 616244.0 NaN NaN NaN -1 False -4
2018-01-08 1d 1.255871e+09 150.43 stock_sz_000338_2018-01-08 143.82 143.82 stock_sz_000338 2018-01-08 150.12 0.0331 1426567.0 NaN NaN NaN -1 False -5
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2022-01-17 1d 8.546921e+08 298.71 stock_sz_000338_2022-01-17 296.26 293.49 stock_sz_000338 2022-01-17 297.64 0.0100 504866.0 -1.386687 1.781615 -6.336603 -1 False -12
2022-01-18 1d 1.064735e+09 302.71 stock_sz_000338_2022-01-18 298.10 296.10 stock_sz_000338 2022-01-18 300.87 0.0124 622455.0 -1.694421 1.086407 -5.561657 -1 False -13
2022-01-19 1d 1.049195e+09 304.24 stock_sz_000338_2022-01-19 299.64 298.56 stock_sz_000338 2022-01-19 299.48 0.0121 610096.0 -2.027097 0.463707 -4.981607 -1 False -14
2022-01-20 1d 1.361764e+09 299.18 stock_sz_000338_2022-01-20 298.10 290.11 stock_sz_000338 2022-01-20 294.87 0.0161 812949.0 -2.632389 -0.155513 -4.953753 -1 False -15
2022-01-21 1d 1.234360e+09 293.34 stock_sz_000338_2022-01-21 292.72 284.58 stock_sz_000338 2022-01-21 287.04 0.0150 754156.0 -3.701237 -0.864657 -5.673159 -1 False -16

[987 rows x 17 columns]
entity_id timestamp
stock_sz_000338 2018-01-02 False
2018-01-03 False
2018-01-04 False
2018-01-05 False
2018-01-08 False
... ...
2022-01-17 False
2022-01-18 False
2022-01-19 False
2022-01-20 False
2022-01-21 False

[987 rows x 1 columns]

.. image:: ../_static/factor_draw.png

Follow :ref:`Extending factor <extending_factor>` to do the funny part.

the class select targets according to Factor.

the backtest engine using TargetSelector, MLMachine or free style.

classify TradableEntity by different dimensions, could be used as ml category feature.

the ml engine.

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