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Event transport protocol - alternative to


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ETP - event transport protocol on WebSocket, simple and powerful.

Highly inspired by But there is no good implementation in Go, that is why etp exists.

The package based on


go get -u


  • Rooms for server
  • Javascript client
  • Concurrent event emitting
  • Context based API
  • Event acknowledgment (for sync communication)


  • WebSocket message
    • websocket.MessageText (not binary)
    • <eventName>||<ackId>||<eventData>
  • Each event is handled concurrently in separated goroutine
  • Message limit is 1MB by default

Complete example

package main

import (


func main() {
	srv := etp.NewServer(etp.WithServerAcceptOptions(&etp.AcceptOptions{
		InsecureSkipVerify: true, //completely ignore CORS checks, enable only for dev purposes

	//callback to handle new connection
	srv.OnConnect(func(conn *etp.Conn) {
		//you have access to original HTTP request
		fmt.Printf("id: %d, url: %s, connected\n", conn.Id(), conn.HttpRequest().URL)
		srv.Rooms().Join(conn, "goodClients") //leave automatically then disconnected

		conn.Data().Set("key", "value") //put any data associative with connection

	//callback to handle disconnection
	srv.OnDisconnect(func(conn *etp.Conn, err error) {
		fmt.Println("disconnected", conn.Id(), err, etp.IsNormalClose(err))

	//callback to handle any error during serving
	srv.OnError(func(conn *etp.Conn, err error) {
		connId := uint64(0)
		// be careful, conn can be nil on upgrading protocol error (before success WebSocket connection)
		if conn != nil {
			connId = conn.Id()
		fmt.Println("error", connId, err)

	//your business event handler
	//each event is handled in separated goroutine
	srv.On("hello", etp.HandlerFunc(func(ctx context.Context, conn *etp.Conn, event msg.Event) []byte {
		fmt.Printf("hello event received: %s, %s\n", event.Name, event.Data)
		return []byte("hello handled")

	//fallback handler
	srv.OnUnknownEvent(etp.HandlerFunc(func(ctx context.Context, conn *etp.Conn, event msg.Event) []byte {
		fmt.Printf("unknown event received, %s, %s\n", event.Name, event.Data)
		_ = conn.Close() //you may close a connection whenever you want
		return nil

	mux := http.NewServeMux()
	mux.Handle("GET /ws", srv)
	go func() {
		err := http.ListenAndServe(":8080", mux)
		if err != nil {
	time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)

	cli := etp.NewClient().
		OnDisconnect(func(conn *etp.Conn, err error) { //basically you have all handlers like a server here
			fmt.Println("client disconnected", conn.Id(), err)
	err := cli.Dial(context.Background(), "ws://localhost:8080/ws")
	if err != nil {

	//to check connection is still alive
	err = cli.Ping(context.Background())
	if err != nil {

	//simply emit event
	err = cli.Emit(context.Background(), "hello", []byte("fire and forget"))
	if err != nil {

	//emit event and wait server response
	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 1*time.Second) //highly recommended to set up timeout for waiting acknowledgment
	defer cancel()
	resp, err := cli.EmitWithAck(ctx, "hello", []byte("wait acknowledgment"))
	if err != nil {
	fmt.Printf("hello resposne: '%s'\n", resp)

	//data can be empty
	err = cli.Emit(ctx, "unknown event", nil)
	if err != nil {

	time.Sleep(15 * time.Second)

	//call to disconnect all clients

V3 Migration

  • Internal message format is the same as v2
  • Each event now is handled in separated goroutine (completely async)
  • Significantly reduce code base, removed redundant interfaces
  • Fixed some memory leaks and potential deadlocks
  • Main package ->
  • OnDefault -> OnUnknownEvent
  • On* API are the same either etp.Client and etp.Server
  • WAS
srv.On("event", func (conn etp.Conn, data []byte) {
    log.Println("Received " + testEvent + ":" + string(data))
srv.On("hello", etp.HandlerFunc(func(ctx context.Context, conn *etp.Conn, event msg.Event) []byte {
    fmt.Printf("hello event received: %s, %s\n", event.Name, event.Data)
    return []byte("hello handled")

The second param now is a interface.