The Actian_Pervasive_SQL repository is a collection of Visual Studio solutions, each of which is a complete console program that demonstrates a basic ACID (Add/Change/Inquire/Delete) application, also known as a CRUD (Create/Read/Update/Delete) application.
To the extent possible, the code is portable C++, except for PSQLviaADOandVB
which is implemented in Visual Basic .NET. The Visual Basic code is sufficiently
portable that it could be transformed with little effort into a working Visual
Basic for Applications module.
All solutions were built by Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition, and tested on a machine running Windows 10 Professional with a working PSQL Server installation. The Visual Basic application and its C++ companion use the demonstration database that ships with the PSQL Server, along with its System DSN, which the PSQL Server setup program creates.