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=== NextGEN Gallery ===
Contributors: photocrati
Requires at least: 3.6
Tested up to: 3.6
Stable tag: trunk
License: GPLv2

The most popular WordPress gallery plugin and one of the most popular plugins of all time with over 7.5 million downloads.

== Description ==

= WordPress Gallery Plugin =

NextGEN Gallery is the most popular **WordPress gallery plugin**, and one of the most popular WordPress plugins of all time, with over 7.5 million downloads.

It provides a powerful engine for uploading and managing galleries of images, with the ability to batch upload, import meta data, add/delete/rearrange/sort images, edit thumbnails, group galleries into albums, and more. It also provides two front-end display styles (slideshows and thumbnail galleries), both of which come with a wide array of options for controlling size, style, timing, transitions, controls, lightbox effects, and more.

*The NextGEN Gallery WordPress gallery plugin is now proudly maintained by <a href=''>Photocrati Media</a>. Special thanks to Alex Rabe who created and maintained NextGEN from 2007 through 2011.*

**NEXTGEN GALLERY 2.0: MAJOR UPDATE IN JULY 2013.** *We released a major update and overhaul to NextGEN Gallery in July 2013. NextGEN Gallery 2.0 presents a completely reworked interface, both for the central options panel and for adding galleries to pages and posts. It's dramatically more powerful and flexible.*

**INTRODUCING NEXTGEN GALLERY PRO.** *Along with NextGEN 2.0, we're happy to announce a "Pro" upgrade to NextGEN. NextGEN Pro offers 6 new gallery displays, including Pro Masonry, Pro Filmstrip, Pro Film, Pro Thumbnail Grid, Pro Slideshow, and Pro Blogstyle galleries. It also includes a responsive, fullscreen, mobile-friendly Pro Lightbox with commenting and social sharing for individual images within galleries. And it includes premium one-on-one email support for both NextGEN Gallery and NextGEN Pro.* 


= NextGEN WordPress Gallery Plugin Features =

*Upload Galleries*

* Our WordPress gallery plugin offers diverse and powerful functionality for getting images from your desktop to your website. You can easily upload batches of images via a standard WordPress-style uploader, or upload images via zip file or FTP. NextGEN will automatically import your images meta data.

*Manage Galleries*

* Centralized gallery management. Enjoy a single location where you can see and manage all your galleries.
* Edit galleries.  Add or exclude images, change gallery title and description, reorder of images, resize thumbnails.
* Thumbnail Management. Turn thumbnail cropping on and off, customize how individual thumbnails are cropped, and bulk resize thumbnails across one or more galleries.
* Edit Individual Images. Edit meta data and image tags, rotate images, and exclude images.
* Watermarks. Quickly add watermarks to batches or galleries of images.
* Albums. Create and organize collections of galleries, and display them in either compact or extended format.

*Display Galleries*

* Multiple Gallery Types. Choose between two main display styles: Slideshow and Thumbnail, and allow visitors to toggle between the two. Or display Imagebrowser galleries and Singlepics.
* Slideshow Galleries. Choose from a vast array of options for slideshows, including slideshow size, transition style, speed, image order, and optional navigation bar.
* Thumbnail Galleries. Choose from a wide range of options to customize thumbnail galleries, including 5 different lightboxes for individual images, optional thumbnail cropping and editing, thumbnail styles, captions, and more.
* Single Image Displays. Display and format single images.
* Work with Options Panel or Shortcodes.

= NextGEN WordPress Gallery Plugin Community & Extensions =

NextGEN has been the dominant WordPress gallery plugin for years. As a result, there is large and great community of users and developers, as well as a large number of dedicated extension plugins. For a list of extension plugins, just search for NextGEN in the plugin repository, or visit our <a href="">Complete List of NextGEN Extension Plugins</a>.

= NextGEN WordPress Gallery Plugin Resources =

*Visit the NextGEN <a href="" target="_blank">WordPress Gallery Plugin</a> official homepage<br>
*Visit the <a href="" target="_blank">NextGEN Pro official landing page</a><br>
*See <a href="" target="_blank">NextGEN Gallery Documentation</a><br>
*Get <a href="" target="_blank">NextGEN Support</a> via the forums<br>
*Get <a href="" target="_blank">Translations</a> for your own language<br>
*See <a href="" target="_blank">WordPress Photography Themes</a> by the same author<br>
*Follow NextGEN Gallery on <a title="Follow NextGEN Gallery on Facebook" href="" target="_blank">Facebook</a>, <a title="Follow NextGEN Gallery on Twitter" href="" target="_blank">Twitter</a>, and <a title="Follow NextGEN Gallery on Google +" href="" target="_blank">Google +</a><br>

== Credits ==

Photocrati Media 2012-2013<br>
Alex Rabe 2007-2011

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

** Please note **

NextGEN Gallery's flash slideshow option is powered by the JW Image Rotator from Long Tail Video. The Image Rotator is provided free as part of our plugin package thanks to a special arrangement with Long Tail Video. Over time, we will be moving away from reliance on this file. For more information, see the Long Tail Video website:

== Installation ==

INSTALLATION: The easiest way to enjoy NextGEN Gallery is to login to you WordPress dashboard, go to Plugins >> Add New, search for NextGEN Gallery, and click to install. You can also download the zip file from this page and upload it from the Plugins >> Add New > Upload page.

HOW TO USE: Just go to a page or post and click the NextGEN Gallery icon. From our Attach to Post interface, you can create, manage, customize, and display your galleries. You can also manage your galleries and gallery settings from the central options area under the "Gallery" tab on your dashboard menu. 

DOCUMENTATION: See <a href="" target="_blank">NextGEN Gallery Documentation</a>.

That's it ... have fun! For more information, feel free to visit the official website for the NextGEN Gallery <a href="" target="_blank">WordPress Gallery Plugin</a>.

== Screenshots ==

1. NextGEN Thumbnail Gallery
2. NextGEN Slideshow Gallery
3. NextGEN Imagebrowser Gallery
4. NextGEN Central Gallery Settings Page
5. NextGEN Other Options Page - Watermarking
6. NextGEN Manage Gallery Page - Edit Thumbnails
7. NextGEN Manage Gallery Page - Edit Image Tags
8. NextGEN Interface for Adding Galleries to a Page or Post
9. NextGEN NextGEN Placeholder Image When Editing a Page or Post

== Shortcode ==

NextGEN Gallery 2.0 introduces our new Attach to Post interface, which means you never need to work with shortcodes again if you would prefer not too. 

If you do want to work with shortcodes, we've also introduce a new, more powerful, and more flexible shortcode system with NextGEN Gallery 2.0. 

**<a href="">Learn About NextGEN Gallery 2.0 Shortcodes</a>**

Legacy shortcodes? For reference, we're also maintaining documentation on NextGEN Legacy shortcakes used in NextGEN 1.9.x and earlier. <a href="">See more on Legacy shortcakes</a>.  

For more information, feel free to visit the official website for the NextGEN Gallery <a href="" target="_blank">WordPress Gallery Plugin</a>.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Why are my galleries not opening up in a lightbox after I move my site? =

This is often due to the URL paths to the CSS and JavaScript files used by the Lightbox Effects not being changed to relevant addresses based on the new site. This article will help sort out this issue if that is the case: <a href="" target="_blank">Why are my galleries not opening up in a lightbox?</a>. 

= Do you have documentation or tutorials? =

Yes. See <a href="" target="_blank">NextGEN Gallery Documentation</a>.

= Will NextGEN Gallery work with my theme? =

Part of what makes the NextGEN Gallery WordPress gallery plugin so popular is its flexibility - it works with the vast majority of premium and free themes, without requiring any coding.

= Are the galleries flash based? =

No, NextGEN Gallery uses Javascript (J-Query) based displays to ensure compatibility across the widest range of displays possible.

= Are the galleries mobile friendly? =

Yes, since we use Javascript rather than flash, NextGEN Gallery is compatible with Android, iOS, and Blackberry. As of July 2013, all galleries are responsive. NextGEN Pro also includes a full screen, responsive Pro Lightbox with mobile gesture support. 

= What is the difference between a gallery and an album? =

In the simplest of terms, Galleries contain your images and Albums contain your Galleries. Albums act as links and placeholders to quickly and easily navigate your galleries - Galleries will actually display your images.

= Can I upload multiple images at once? =

Yes, you can batch upload entire galleries at a time.

= Can I password protect galleries? =

Yes, WordPress allows you to password protect pages by default - which includes all galleries and content for the entire page. Password protection of pages can be turned on and off at any time, with just a few clicks.

= Can I add a watermark to the images/slideshows? =

Yes, you can add text or image watermarks to your gallery images.

= Can I crop thumbnails? =

Yes, each thumbnail image can be individually adjusted to suit your needs.

= Is there pagination for galleries? =

Yes, and you can adjust the amount of images to be shown on a page at any time.

= Can I customize the lightbox? =

Yes, the lightbox can be configured with multiple options directly from the Dashboard, and there are multiple CSS styles which can be applied and modified as well.

= Can I add HTML to the captions? =

Yes, caption areas are fully HMTL capable.

= Can I add an external links to galleries? =

Since the captions are fully HTML capable, you can add external links and any other type of mark up you wish.

= Is NextGEN Gallery available in foreign languages? =

Yes, the NextGEN Gallery WordPress gallery plugin has been translated into dozens of languages - <a href="" target="_blank">click here to find out more.</a>

= More Information =

For more information, feel free to visit the official website for the NextGEN Gallery <a href="" target="_blank">WordPress Gallery Plugin</a>.

== Changelog ==

= V2.0.33 - 10.21.2013 =
* NEW:     Requests /ngg_tag/[tagname] will create a displayed gallery
* NEW:     Option added to "Import Gallery" tab to use original images
* Fixed:   Links are broken on the ngg_tags-sitemap.xml file by WordPress SEO
* Fixed:   PHP notice: Attempt to assign property of non-object
* Fixed:   Undefined property warnings when using NextGEN Basic Thumbnails
* Fixed:   Detect if an applying a transient to a displayed gallery was successful
* Fixed:   Compatibility issues with BJ-Lazy-Load and Colorbox
* Fixed:   Pagination conflicts for multiple Imagebrowsers on the same page
* Fixed:   Ability to display previous exception with debug mode
* Fixed:   Tagclouds not working in multisite instances
* Fixed:   Load widgets.css when a widget is being used
* Fixed:   Installer should remove all instances of the component factory
* Fixed:   Widget settings interface not intuitive
* Fixed:   Inability to upload images in some Windows host environments
* Fixed:   Sorting images/galleries using the Attach To Post interface
* Fixed:   Fix detection of HTTPS (pull request by Leonhardt Wille)
* Fixed:   Compilation errors of regular expressions
* Fixed:   Pro galleries wouldn't display in environments using PHP 5.3.3 or less
* Fixed:   Scanning of router slug is now limited to the uri, not the url
* Fixed:   Show slideshow link isn't required for thumbnail/imagebrowser integration
* Fixed:   WordPress media-upload with 'singlepic' image size
* Fixed:   Use target=_blank when the link setting is provided for NextGEN Basic Singlepic
* Fixed:   Only display rendering errors if WP_DEBUG is enabled

= V2.0.31 - 10.03.2013 =
* NEW:     Restored AJAX pagination for NextGEN Basic ImageBrowser display type
* Fixed:   Compatibility with WordPress Local SEO by Yoast
* Fixed:   Inability to upload images if image_slug field was missing in database
* Fixed:   Integration of NextGEN Basic Thumbnail and NextGEN Basic Slideshow display types
* Fixed:   Photocrati Resource Manager further adjusted to be third-party friendly
* Fixed:   Added the ability to find legacy templates in both the child/parent theme directories
* Fixed:   JavaScript errors in Attach to Post interface
* Fixed:   Router can handle port numbers in urls
* Fixed:   Carousel template was linking to NextGEN Basic ImageBrowser view
* Fixed:   SQL query generated for displayed galleries using tags as source
* Fixed:   3rd party compat: raise & never lower pcre.backtrack_limit

= V2.0.30 - 09.25.2013 =
* NEW:     Restored the ability to use imagebrowser display type instead of a lightbox effect
* Changed: Displayed galleries are no longer rendered in RSS feeds
* Changed: Removed "Plugin Check" widget from overview page
* Fixed:   Silence PHP warnings/errors in an output buffer for AJAX actions
* Fixed:   Compatibility issue with WordPress SEO and broken site maps (and large error_logs)
* Fixed:   Compatibility issue with AJAX Event Calendar (and possibly others)
* Fixed:   Adjusted Photocrati Resource Manager to be third-party friendly
* Fixed:   Fixed empty result set for displayed galleries selecting 'All' tags
* Fixed:   URL generation for imagebrowser pagination links
* Fixed:   Ensure that image meta is imported on creation
* Fixed:   Ensure that transients are removed when an external object cache is used
* Fixed:   Don't load pluggable.php. This will fix plugin conflicts
* Fixed:   In Attach to Post interface, galleries created in one tab weren't showing in another
* Fixed:   Don't output frame events cookie for XML-RPC requests

= V2.0.27 - 09.18.2013 =
* Fixed:   Reduce performance impact of purging displayed gallery transients

= V2.0.25 - 09.18.2013 =
* Reverting to the 2.0.21 codebase, due to major performance issues in 2.0.23 and 2.0.24

= V2.0.23 - 09.16.2013 =
* NEW:     WP-Cron job to periodically clean-up displayed gallery transients
* NEW:     Added "excluded_container_ids" as parameter for ngg_images shortcode
* Fixed:   Lightbox effect is honoured by all display types
* Fixed:   Highslide displays images from the correct displayed galleries
* Fixed:   Ensure that sub-albums display correctly when the word "album" is part of a slug
* Fixed:   Ensure that sub-albums display correctly when numerical slugs are used
* Fixed:   Related images heading only added when Related Images functionality is enabled
* Fixed:   PHP Warning about undefined index when viewing basic albums
* Fixed:   AJAX handling is third-party compatible
* Fixed:   Image date is no longer overwritten when an image is modified
* Fixed:   Fixed issue with displayed galleries using source='tags'
* Fixed:   Problem with transient cache not getting flushed properly from Other Options page
* Fixed:   Use correct gallery/transient ID when ajax pagination is used

= V2.0.21 - 09.09.2013 =
* NEW:	   Multisite support
* Changed: Default image quality set to 100 for generated images
* Changed: Removed dependence on simplehtmldom library
* Fixed:   Related images functionality works as it did in 1.9.x
* Fixed:   Don't compress inline JavaScript in post/page content
* Fixed:   Click-to-advance slideshow behavior for slideshows
* Fixed:   Security warnings from VaultPress
* Fixed:   View as Slideshow link works with AJAX pagination
* Fixed:   Broken links on Overview page
* Fixed:   Backup images option
* Fixed:   Stylesheet url generated correctly for Windows hosts
* Fixed:   Compatibility with NextGen Custom Fields plugin
* Fixed:   Compatibility with Adsense Explosion plugin
* Fixed:   Suppress wp_footer notices unless WP_DEBUG is set to TRUE

= V2.0.17 - 08.30.2013 =
Fixed:     Match legacy behaviour when changing gallery path, i.e. don't move files

= V2.0.14 - 08.27.2013 =
* NEW:     Added the ability to override thumbnail settings for NextGEN Basic Albums
* NEW:     Shortcode Manager API, which ensures that shortcodes are outputted as intended
* Changed: Re-added the ability to select the original image size for widgets
* Fixed:   Ensure that stylesheet url returned is correct for Windows hosts
* Fixed:   Broken links and lightbox effects with AJAX pagination
* Fixed:   Try to ensure that third party plugins don't add content to our dynamic JS
* Fixed:   Improved reliability of iframely.js
* Fixed:   Ensure that urls are generated correctly in HTTPs environments
* Fixed:   Datamapper works correctly in environments where temporary tables aren't supported
* Fixed:   Fixed an issue with thickbox loading animation when home url differs from site url

= V2.0.11 - 08.19.2013 =
* NEW:     Added "run_ngg_resource_manager" hook to by-pass our resource manager
* Changed: Removed "Reset & Uninstall" tab, for now
* Fixed:   Compatibility with W3 Total Cache. Please flush cache after updating.
* Fixed:   Conflicts with Photocrati Theme Galleries
* Fixed:   Blank Attach to Post interface window
* Fixed:   Fixed ability to change Lightbox Effect settings
* Fixed:   Implemented techniques to ensure WP_Query variables aren't overwritten
* Fixed:   Enqueuing AJAX JS libraries twice in wp-admin
* Fixed:   Encoding issues
* Fixed:   PHP warnings caused by accessing unserialized data as array
* Fixed:   Fixed installer issues

= V2.0.7 - 08.09.2013 =
* NEW:     New resource manager that fixes many plugin and theme incompatibilities
* NEW:     Styles (custom stylesheets) should reside in wp-content/ngg_styles
* NEW:     Added option to "Other Options -> Misc" to control maximum images returned
* Secured: Removed default connector for jQuery FileTree library
* Changed: Updated the simplehtmldom library to version 1.5
* Changed: jQuery is now enqueued at the beginning of every request
* Fixed:   Incompatibilities with BuddyPress
* Fixed:   Incompatibilities with Events+, bbPress, Custom Permalinks, and many other plugins
* Fixed:   Incompcatibilities with Member Access, AMember, Magic Fields, and More Fields
* Fixed:   Incompatibilities with Elegant Themes, Oxygen, Responsive, and many other themes
* Fixed:   Ensure that gallery images don't have a border by default
* Fixed:   Conflict between imagebrowser and album urls
* Fixed:   Reverted default gallerypath to wp-content/gallery/
* Fixed:   Upgrade-safe way of overriding Styles
* Fixed:   Generation of AJAX url is now based on slug
* Fixed:   Restore nggShowGallery and nggShowSlideshow as wrappers to new API
* Fixed:   Always use domain as specified by WordPress Site URL
* Fixed:   Use WordPress Home URL over Site URL when appropriate
* Fixed:   Numerous pagination issues
* Fixed:   Adjusted our forms to comply with WordPress Firewalls
* Fixed:   Correct use of select2 DOM selector for maximum compatibility
* Fixed:   Path and URL calculations for Windows and UNIX environments
* Fixed:   Ensure that pluggable.php is loaded at the start of every request
* Fixed:   Fancybox: adjust CSS for further box-sizing protection from themes
* Fixed:   Use PHP 5.2.1 compatible named pattern matching syntax
* Fixed:   Remove usage of __DIR__ constant not supported by PHP 5.2.x
* Fixed:   Removed dependency on mb_string PHP module
* Fixed:   Allow "No Lightbox" as an option for Lightbox Effects
* Fixed:   Warning: "Invalid CRT parameters detected" for Windows environments

= V2.0 - 07.30.2013 =
* NEW:	   Improved user experience throughout the plugin, settings and usage.
* NEW:     Plupload queue uploader that allows for bulk and zip uploads within the same interface.
* NEW:     Complete redesign of the NextGEN options panel
* NEW:     Added new interface for adding galleries from pages and posts.
* NEW:     Galleries are now mobile friendly and responsive, which is most noticeable with a responsive theme.
* NEW:     Streamlined functionality for displaying galleries based on tags.
* NEW:     Architecture based on Pope Framework (
* NEW:     New shortcode, “ngg_images”, and corresponding Attach to Post interface
* NEW:     Galleries have now global and instance settings
* NEW:     Support for FastCGI environments
* Changed: Replaces shortcodes with placeholder images, however still supports legacy shortcodes.
* Changed: Introduced new Growl-like notifications
* Changed: The container and it’s images are centered for slideshows
* Changed: NextGEN styles now override vs replace default styles
* Changed: NextGEN legacy templates have been deprecated (but still function)
* FIXED:   The ability to use NextGEN image as a Featured Image.
* FIXED:   Many bugs and annoyances, such as PHP warnings, errors, etc.

= V1.9.13 - 06.11.2013 =
* NEW:     Slideshows are now centered to their content area
* Secured: Ensure that only logged in users can upload images
* Fixed:   Import date is presered are no longer Jan 1 1970
* Fixed:   Removed mention of upgrade.php, which no longer exists

= V1.9.12 - 02.15.2013 =
* Fixed:   jQuery Conflict Detection was trying to dequeue irremovable scripts

= V1.9.11 - 02.12.2013 =
* NEW: Added the ability to detect JQuery conflicts on NGG Admin Pages and auto-resolve
* Changed: Added "nggalbum" shortcode. Use this when Jetpack is installed.
* Changed: Using natural sorting algorithm for alphanumeric values
* Changed: Database schema is automatically updated when out-of-date
* Fixed:   Fixed several incompatibility issues with Jetpack
* Fixed:   Empty drop-down for "Page Link To"
* Fixed:   Alphabetical image sorting
* Fixed:   Compatibility with Arjuna X theme
* Fixed:   “Creating default object from empty value� on album page
* Fixed:   Compatibility issues with PHP 5.4 on album page
* Fixed:   E_DEPRECATED warning when using get_userdatabylogin() function
* Fixed:   Removed many E_NOTICE errors
* Fixed:   Correct use of register_uninstall_hook across all PHP versions

= V1.9.10 - 12.18.2012 =
* Fixed:   XML-RPC error displayed when authenticating using WordPress 3.5
* Fixed:   Restored compatibility with NextGEN Gallery Export Plugin
* Fixed:   Removed some remaining references to database upgrade code
* Fixed:   Deleted galleries within an album are handed gracefully without warning messages
* Fixed:   Correct use of register_uninstall_hook
* Fixed:   CSS and usability issues with the TinyMCE window used to display galleries

* NEW:	   JW ImageRotator v3.17 is now bundled with the plugin and used by default.
* Changed: Removed database upgrade code for versions of NextGEN Gallery earlier than 1.9.3
* Fixed:   Compatibility with WordPress v3.5 ( wpdb->prepare() warnings )
* Fixed:   Sorting by filename now produces expected results using a natural sorting algorithm

= V1.9.8 - 12.05.2012 =
* Secured: Removed bundled version of swfupload. See fix below for SCM information.
* Changed: All transients created by NextGEN are flushed when the plugin is activated.
* Fixed:   Our primary SCM is conducted at, but was not synchronizing correctly with the WordPress Plugin SVN Repository
* Fixed:   The transient adjustment fixes:

= V1.9.7 - 11.13.2012 =
* Secured: Removed bundled version of swfupload; using WordPress-bundled version instead for WordPress 3.2 instances
* Changed: Using JQuery UI for the image sorting interface (thanks Tomás Soler)
* Bugfix:  Image uploads work in WP 3.2 when using Safari
* Bugfix:  Adjusted TinyMCE window to use built-in JavaScript libraries
* Bugfix:  Removed Photocrati acquisition announcement
* Bugfix:  Fixed incorrect usage of ImageJpeg() function
* Bugfix:  Switched from "template_redirect" to "wp_enqueue_script" hook to load scripts and styles

= V1.9.6 - 07.21.2012 =
* Changed: Implemented workaround for bug found in WordPress SEO, resulting in no images being added to sitemap
* Bugfix: Fixed an issue with users not being able to dismiss the "Photocrati Acquisition Notice"
* Bugfix: Adjusted Javascript for activating social media pages to load on NextGEN Gallery pages only.
* Bugfix: Fixed compatibility issue with Simple Facebook Connect
* Bugfix: Using correct Facebook Page ID in Like button

= V1.9.5 - 18.07.2012 =
* Changed: Branding changes following Photocrati acquisition (removed donation messages and updated links)
* Secured: Use WordPress-bundled JavaScript libraries for swfobject and swfupload instead of bundling our own
* Bugfix: Adjusted thickbox effect styling to ensure that the lightbox is always displayed in the foreground
* Bugfix: Fixed compatibility issues with Contact Form 7 and other plugins by following WordPress Plugin conventions
* Bugfix: Fixed network-wide activation in WordPress 3.4
* Bugfix: Plugin is no longer dependent on it's folder name

= V1.9.3 - 26.02.2012 =
* Bugfix : Ensure to set the slug for "all" albums
* Bugfix : Updated german translation ( THX to Roger Hunziker )
* Bugfix : Ensure error checking on IPTC array (THX to Kristian Edlund)
* Bugfix : Handle IE8 cached images better in slideshow
* Bugfix : Show album preview image if selected  (THX to Kristian Edlund)

= V1.9.2 - 17.01.2012 =
* NEW : Added more XMLRPC commands (THX to Vladimir Vinogradsky)
* Changed : Rework Post-thumbnail function (THX to Kristian Edlund)
* Bugfix : Check first for valid images on unzip (only Mac OS zip-files)
* Bugfix : Increase z-index for twenty eleven theme
* Bugfix : Support non latin chars in tagcloud
* Bugfix : Allow other tinymce intance
* Bugfix : Better support for WPML translation

= V1.9.1 - 10.12.2011 =
* Bugfix : Security hardness for untrusted filenames/meta data (THX to Brian St. Pierre)
* Bugfix : Fixed security vulnerability (TXH to Jon Cave)
* Bugfix : Load piclens script via other function
* Bugfix : IE7 script fix for add gallery
* Bugfix : IE7/IE8 width set correctly for edit album autocomplete field

= V1.9.0 - 27.11.2011 =
* NEW : Keep images transparency for PNG and GIF format
* NEW : Switch to Plupload, support now HTML5 Upload (only with WordPress 3.3)
* NEW : Added client side resize feature (only with WordPress 3.3)
* NEW : Support for gallery templates in album shortcodes [ album id=x template="name" gallery="templatename" ]
* NEW : Added new hook ngg_delete_picture
* Changed : Updated to jQuery Cycle Version 2.9995
* Changed : Always cache the single pictures, remove option
* Bugfix : Couldn't use bulk operation for search results
* Bugfix : Bugfix for Edit thumbnails under IE 8 + 9
* Bugfix : Allow empty altext in ngg.editImage
* Bugfix : Various PHP notice fixes
* Bugfix : Resize fix for Shutter effect and mobile Browser
* Bugfix : FTP Import missing slug field into database
* Bugfix : Check also EXIF field "DateTimeOriginal" for timestamp

= V1.8.4 - 26.10.2011 =
* Bugfix : Fixed security vulnerability (TXH to Alain Schneider)

= V1.8.3 - 07.08.2011 =
* Changed : Support for simple custom permalink structures (i.e. /%category%/%postname%/)
* Bugfix : Sub-Albums in Albums didn't create the correct link
* Bugfix : AJAX Pagination didn't work anymore
* Bugfix : Adding index.php to home_url()
* Bugfix : Preview picture lost on backend gallery page 2 or higher

= V1.8.2 - 12.07.2011 =
* Bugfix : Set pagination variables for search result, otherwise update failed
* Bugfix : Update failed for paged galleries since WordPress 3.2

= V1.8.1 - 18.06.2011 =
* Bugfix : Special case for pagination, instead of showing page-1, we show the clean url
* Bugfix : Various PHP notice fixes
* Bugfix : Typo in rewrite rules
* Bugfix : Flush rewrite rules during upgrade later

= V1.8.0 - 12.06.2011 =
* NEW : Full rework of permalink url structure
* NEW : Adding Google Sitemaps for Images (require WordPress SEO plugin by YOAST )
* NEW : Support for WPML ( WordPress Multilingual Plugin )
* NEW : Adding support for arrow key in shutter effect (THX to Flyvans)
* NEW : Adding sort operation for galleries overview page
* Changed : Updated pagination to new WP3.1 style
* Bugfix : Create unique slug in a better way
* Bugfix : Rework screen options filter for gallery and image table
* Bugfix : Empty values in XMLRPC update calls are ignored
* Bugfix : Create gallery failed when safe-mode on
* Bugfix : Permalink didn't work in combination with album & imagebrowser

= V1.7.4 - 15.02.2011 =
* Bugfix : Disallow direct call of ajax file to avoid path disclosure (THX to High-Tech Bridge SA)
* Bugfix : Rework jQuery Cycle slideshow for IE compat reason (THX to Justin Dickenson)
* Bugfix : Resize only larger images in slideshow
* Bugfix : Improved image format detection in gd.thumbnail class (THX to Kupar.b)

= V1.7.3 - 20.01.2011 =
* NEW : Introduce plugin health check for conflicts with other plugins/themes
* NEW : Adding new XMLRPC method ngg.deleteImage
* NEW : Adding new XMLRPC method ngg.editImage
* Changed : Rework register script for autocomplete feature
* Bugfix : Bugfix for Multisite setup and flash upload
* Bugfix : WP3.1 compat issue, show site admin page only on Multisite installation

= V1.7.2 - 13.12.2010 =
* Bugfix : Adding images to database require slug (NOT NULL)

= V1.7.1 - 13.12.2010 =
* Changed : Disable upgrade for PHP4 user
* Changed : Disable colorpicker for option page
* Bugfix : Compat fix for upgrade

= V1.7.0 - 11.12.2010 =
* NEW : Publish a new post direct from the gallery admin page
* NEW : Added filter hook 'ngg_get_image_metadata' to add more exif/iptc information
* NEW : Adding Autocomplete field to TinyMCE Popup and Album page
* NEW : More methods for XMLRPC interface
* Changed : New hooks for gallery table (THX to Alexander Schneider)
* Changed : Introduce jQuery dialog as new UI element
* Changed : Call TinyMCE window via admin-ajax
* Bugfix : Better support for SSL blogs
* Bugfix : Install/Upgrade failed when table prefix contain captial letters
* Bugfix : Fix validation issues in Media-RSS
* Bugfix : Empty tags in XMP Meta causes PHP error
* Bugfix : Rework load mechanism for slideshow
* Bugfix : Copy meta data when image is copied
* Bugfix : Icon Support for Ozh' Admin Drop Down Menu
* Bugfix : Use correct sort order in slideshow

= V1.6.2 - 19.09.2010 =
* NEW : Added constant NGG_SKIP_LOAD_SCRIPTS to avoid script load
* Bugfix : Load Tags library with core files
* Bugfix : Slideshow script failed in IE7, load script now in header
* Bugfix : Load slideshow widget always
* Changed : New admin notice for database upgrade
* Changed : Rework crop feature for featured images
* Changed : Use site_url() instead get_option ('siteurl'), required for SSL support

= V1.6.1 - 08.09.2010 =
* Bugfix : Script load of swfobject.js failed
* Bugfix : Show sideshow also with 1 or 2 images
* Bugfix : Rework null byte check in zip upload

= V1.6.0 - 07.09.2010 =
* NEW : Wordpress 3.0 Network (Multi-Site) support
* NEW : Integrate jQuery Cycle as NON-Flash slideshow
* NEW : Adding jQuery File Tree for import folder (THX to Sergey Pasyuk )
* NEW : Added action hook 'ngg_show_imagebrowser_first' on custom request
* NEW : Added filter hook 'ngg_slideshow_size' to resize sildeshow for mobile browser plugins
* Changed : Reorder tabs for upload
* Changed : New menu icon and screen icon (THX to Ben Dunkle)
* Changed : Load frontend libs always
* Changed : Rework of overview page
* Bugfix : Security bugfix for Zip-Upload (THX to Dominic Szablewski)
* Bugfix : Allow JPG, PNG, GIF extension
* Bugfix : New German translation (THX to Martin Kramarz)
* Bugfix : Copy/Move also backup file
* Bugfix : Calculate correct ratio for fix thumbnail size (THX to Alekz Keck)

= V1.5.5 - 14.06.2010 =
* Bugfix : Compat issue for post thumbnails with WP2.9
* NEW : Adding more hooks for custom fields plugin

= V1.5.4 - 14.06.2010 =
* Bugfix : No resize of smaller images
* Bugfix : Compat issues for Post Thumbnails under WP3.0
* Bugfix : Esc_URL in Media RSS

= V1.5.3 - 11.04.2010 =
* New : Adding pagination to footer
* Changed : Perpare new filter to replace slideshow
* Bugfix : Remove non-breaking space from navigation
* Bugfix : Pagination of galleries
* Bugfix : Fixed brackets position for old shortcode query
* Bugfix : Slideshow option 'Show next image on click" has wrong default value

= V1.5.2 - 25.03.2010 =
* Bugfix : XSS security vulnerability (THX to Core Security Advisories Team , Pedro Varangot)
* Bugfix : Missing $wpdb in shortcodes.php

= V1.5.1 - 23.03.2010 =
* Bugfix : PHP4 compat issue for Add gallery & options page
* Bugfix : Gallery widget can now have a empty title
* Bugfix : Adding correct stripslash for gallery title

= V1.5.0 - 18.03.2010 =
* NEW : Support for Post thumbnail feature
* NEW : Backup and Recover function for images (THX to Simone Fumagalli)
* NEW : Resize images after upload (THX to Simone Fumagalli)
* NEW : Added a JSON class for fetching galleries in a RESTful way (see xml/json.php)
* NEW : Adding various new capabilities for user roles
* NEW : Auto downloader for translation file
* Changed : Rename query var from slideshow to callback for compat reason with other plugin
* Changed : Convert widget function to new WP structure
* Changed : Include lookup for tags into the backend search
* Changed : Restructure addgallery and settings page to enable custom tabs
* Bugfix : Select album preview from gallery preview pics instead random list
* Bugfix : Keep fix dimension in edit thumbnail operation
* Bugfix : Import meta data didn't work correct for existing images
* Bugfix : Fix onload bug for Chrome 4 in Shutter script
* Bugfix : Remove various PHP notices for a better world
* Removed : Canonical link is now part of Wordpress 2.9

== Upgrade Notice ==

= 1.5.5 =
* Compatibility issue for post thumbnails with WP2.9 and WP3.0. No Database changes...