I am currently studying the possibility of using vim via the browser, ie in web assembly. this option seems interesting to me because of the portability that the use of a web browser gives and on the other hand the ease of displaying web content in the browser, no need to convert to text.
vim user, I often need to go to the web, which forces me to leave the environment to go to the browser.
many programs partially integrate vim's navigation, but this is only an imperfect adaptation.
I would therefore like to answer these 2 problems.
The idea is to make a gateway between the website and vim with Fuse.
CEF = headless browser FUSE = file system user space VIM = editor
The Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) is a simple framework for embedding Chromium-based browsers in other applications. This repository hosts a sample project called "cef-project" that can be used as the starting point for third-party applications built using CEF.
_____ ___________ ______ _ _ _____ _____ _ _ ___________ _____ ______ _____ _ _____
/ __ \| ___| ___| _ | ___| | | / ___| ___| ______ | | | | ___| ___ \/ __ \| ___|_ _| | | ___|
| / \/| |__ | |_ _| |_ | |_ | | | \ `--.| |__ |______| | | | | |__ | |_/ /`' / /'| |_ | | | | | |__
| | | __|| _| |_ _| | _| | | | |`--. \ __| ______ | |/\| | __|| ___ \ / / | _| | | | | | __|
| \__/\| |___| | |_| | | | |_| /\__/ / |___ |______| \ /\ / |___| |_/ /./ /___| | _| |_| |____| |___
\____/\____/\_| \_| \___/\____/\____/ \/ \/\____/\____/ \_____/\_| \___/\_____/\____/
- Ask for help
- Improve this README
- Improve POC coding
- Extract with js div's text
- Add command control (quit, append text, move cursor, click ...)
- Cut web page on multiple files (?)
- Add javascript plugins to modify the view of the pages according to the url
- Add image to explain previous idea
- ...
If you have any questions about CEF or cef-project CEF Forum.
If you would like to make contributions or participate in the project.