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This is a repository designed to introduce basic Julia applications for econometrics. The folders included are as follows:

  • dataframes: Basic introduction to Julia's dataframes capabilities
  • DDC: An attempt at solving a dynamic discrete choice model
  • JuMP: Various applications of Julia's JuMP package (which is a modelling language that interfaces with a variety of industry-grade optimizers). Subfolders are as follows:
    • mlogit: classic multinomial logit with alternative-specific parameters, estimated with and without constraints
    • normal: maximum likelihood estimation of the classical normal linear model
    • xtlogit: a (currently unsuccessful) attempt at a binary logit with random effects
    • xtlogitNoHet: binary logit with no random effects
    • xtlogitSimple: another attempt at a binary logit with random effects
  • loopVsMatmul: a speed test for matrix multiplication in loop versus vectorized form
  • mlogit: Vestigial version of JuMP/mlogit/, before I discovered JuMP
  • ols: basic OLS in Julia
  • save: simple example for reading .mat (Matlab) files into Julia and saving Julia objects into .mat files


Intro files for beginners hoping to learn Julia






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