A rule based proxy For Mac base on Clash.
- HTTP/HTTPS and SOCKS protocol
- Surge like configuration
- GeoIP rule support
- Support Vmess/Shadowsocks/Socks5
- Support for Netfilter TCP redirect
You can download from release page
NOTE: clashX current using yaml as configuration file
The default configuration directory is $HOME/.config/clash
The name of the configuration file is config.yml
,You can use config generator in Status Bar Menu "Config" section.
Below is a simple demo configuration file,Checking Github for Clash or SS-Rule-Snippet for Clash for more detail.
# port of HTTP
port: 7890
# port of SOCKS5
socks-port: 7891
# redir port for Linux and macOS
# redir-port: 7892
allow-lan: false
# Rule / Global/ Direct (default is Rule)
mode: Rule
# set log level to stdout (default is info)
# info / warning / error / debug
log-level: info
# A RESTful API for clash
# Secret for RESTful API (Optional)
# secret: ""
# shadowsocks
# The types of cipher are consistent with go-shadowsocks2
# In addition to what go-shadowsocks2 supports, it also supports chacha20 rc4-md5 xchacha20-ietf-poly1305
- { name: "ss1", type: ss, server: server, port: 443, cipher: AEAD_CHACHA20_POLY1305, password: "password" }
- { name: "ss2", type: ss, server: server, port: 443, cipher: AEAD_CHACHA20_POLY1305, password: "password", obfs: tls, obfs-host: bing.com }
# vmess
# cipher support auto/aes-128-gcm/chacha20-poly1305/none
- { name: "vmess", type: vmess, server: server, port: 443, uuid: uuid, alterId: 32, cipher: auto }
# with tls
- { name: "vmess", type: vmess, server: server, port: 443, uuid: uuid, alterId: 32, cipher: auto, tls: true }
# with tls and skip-cert-verify
- { name: "vmess", type: vmess, server: server, port: 443, uuid: uuid, alterId: 32, cipher: auto, tls: true, skip-cert-verify: true }
# with ws
- { name: "vmess", type: vmess, server: server, port: 443, uuid: uuid, alterId: 32, cipher: auto, network: ws, ws-path: /path }
# with ws + tls
- { name: "vmess", type: vmess, server: server, port: 443, uuid: uuid, alterId: 32, cipher: auto, network: ws, ws-path: /path, tls: true }
# socks5
- { name: "socks", type: socks5, server: server, port: 443 }
# with tls
- { name: "socks", type: socks5, server: server, port: 443, tls: true }
# with tls and skip-cert-verify
- { name: "socks", type: socks5, server: server, port: 443, tls: true, skip-cert-verify: true }
Proxy Group:
# url-test select which proxy will be used by benchmarking speed to a URL.
- { name: "auto", type: url-test, proxies: ["ss1", "ss2", "vmess1"], url: http://www.gstatic.com/generate_204, interval: 300 }
# fallback select an available policy by priority. The availability is tested by accessing an URL, just like an auto url-test group.
- { name: "fallback-auto", type: fallback, proxies: ["ss1", "ss2", "vmess1"], url: http://www.gstatic.com/generate_204, interval: 300 }
# select is used for selecting proxy or proxy group
# you can use RESTful API to switch proxy, is recommended for use in GUI.
- { name: "Proxy", type: select, proxies: ["ss1", "ss2", "vmess1", "auto"] }
- DOMAIN-SUFFIX,google.com,Proxy
- DOMAIN-KEYWORD,google,Proxy
- DOMAIN,google.com,Proxy
# note: there is two ","
- FINAL,,Proxy