This repository contains the most common topics found in competitive programming . I have tried to combine all my practiced problems in this repository.
Referencia para los desarrolladores de Tiendanube y para la comunidad de PHP.
My solutions of some problems from different online judges
A curated list of awesome Android packages and resources.
A framework agnostic, multi-gateway payment processing library for PHP 5.6+
GUI-Interfaz gráfica para el testeo de componentes y el Ajuste del control PID del seguidor de linea
Un robot seguidor de líneas basado en la categoría Micromouse.
An 8 IR sensor line follower with PID compensator
A basic Line following robot powered by an Arduino Uno.
Arduino based line follower robot which uses a PID controller for better tuning
AVR atmega 16/32 codes for Line Following Robot
Line follower Arduino robot based on the DFRobot MiniQ v2.0 chassis
$60 Line Follower Robot with Android and Arduino
this is a line follower robot firmware
Projeto seguidor de linha feito no Centro Universitário Católica de Santa Catarina