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Gen3 release process automation tools


This repo hosts the gen3release-sdk and a few utility scripts used throughout a number of Jenkins jobs to facilitate the automation of the Gen3 Release efforts.

Gen3 Release SDK

This solution aims to prevent human intervention / error-prone actions while performing Gen3 Release operations.

Automatically creating Pull Requests for releases

The features of the SDK automate recurrent tasks, such as tailoring Pull Requests on github to:

  • Deploy a given version to a target environment. e.g.,
gen3release apply -v 2020.09 -e ~/workspace/cdis-manifest/
  • Promote changes / Migrate artifacts from a non-prod tier environment to a customer-facing PROD environment (assuming testing has been conducted against the versions/ environmental configuration and QA has signed off on the changes). e.g.,
gen3release copy -s ~/workspace/cdis-manifest/ -e ~/workspace/cdis-manifest/

Theoretically (or perhaps, Utopically), we should eradicate all non-prod/staging:prod parity issues so we can raise confidence that whatever is tested in a pre-prod tier will work fine in PROD tiers. Hence, the solution should just make both set of artifacts across the environments match.

Cloning environments

Another way in which the SDK tooling can be used is by providing a Developer with the ability to "clone environments" or to make some DEV/QA environment impersonate a target PROD environment.

To better understand the need for such feature, one must be aware of the different types of environments we have and its correponding tiers:

There is some granularity between internalstaging, which is internal, and staging, which is non-prod but externally facing (we let specific users access these staging environments so they can take a sneak peak at new features before rolling them out to prod or to keep some continuous cross-platform experiments).

The environment impersonation feature should help developers reproduce a bug and test potential fixes. e.g., Considering a fictitious scenario where a customer in a given PROD environment finds a bug with one of our sower jobs (e.g., manifest indexing). The manifest indexing feature relies on ssjdispatcher, indexs3client, manifest-indexing, the sower jobs config block and the sower service versions. In order to empower a Developer to configure his/her environment to reproduce this bug, they need to run the user flow and test the feature with the exact same configuration and versions from that target PROD environment. Therefore, the tool should look into the prod environment's folder in the cdis-manifest repo, copy all the version info + sower config from that target environment where the bug was found, and migrate / port that all the way back into an environment in gitops-dev/gitops-qa (any folder of the user's choice).

So the user of our gen3release-sdk will decide the source environment based on their needs and the target environment based on which dev environment he/she wants to use to impersonate a PROD environment for bug reproduction efforts (and also fix testing).

Which can be achieved with a command similar to:

gen3release copy -s cdis-manifest/ -e gitops-dev/

Other utility scripts

A few operations are still executed through Bash scripts (to be converted to gen3release-sdk features later), the following sections provide instructions on how to use them.

Make new branches from existing ones

This utility is used to create integration and stable branches in multiple repos.

  • How to use it:
    • Update repo_list.txt with the repositories where branches need to be created
    • Execute the script as follows: ./jenkins-jobs/ <sourceBranchName> <targetBranchName

Release Notes Generation

This utility uses the gen3git tool to generate release notes for Gen3 monthly releases

  • How to use it:
    • Set environment variable GITHUB_TOKEN with your Github Personal Access Token
    • Install Python and gen3git command line utility pip install --editable git+
    • Update repo_list.txt with the repositories from which release notes need to be generated
    • Set the following environment variables in the terminal:
      • RELEASE_NAME - Release name e.g., Core Gen3 Release 202006 (Edgewater)
      • START_DATE - Start date in YYYY-MM-DD format
      • END_DATE - End date in YYYY-MM-DD format
      • GITHUB_TOKEN - Github personal access token
    • Execute ./jenkins-jobs/


Manifest replication

This utility ( should facilitate the copy of versions (including dictionary_url, etc.) between manifest.json files, i.e., improving the release process so it will be more automated & less error-prone.

  • How to use it: Here is the syntax:

/bin/bash <branch>/<environment>/manifest.json <target_manifest>


% /bin/bash ../gen3-release-utils/ master/