$> sudo ./prepare -r [OPTIONS]
$> sudo ./prepare help ( for a short documentation )
With this script, Docker engine bundle can be prepared for any kind of CPU architecture. (possible architectures: aarch64 armel armhf ppc64le s390x x86_64)
After the bundle.tar.gz is prepared, you can send the bundle to the corresponding IoT/remote/offline device. In the device, open the tar and type the following command:
$> sudo ./install
After everything is OK, then you will be able to load docker images as tar files. For this purpose, use ./manage-docker script
In your local machine:
- run './manage-docker pull image_name' (saves your docker image as image.tar)
- send this tar file to your device
In your device:
- (assuming that you have already installed bundle.tar.gz)
- run 'manage-docker load PATH/TO/IMAGE/image.tar' (loads image.tar as a docker image)
- then you are good to go
- run 'docker run image_label --parameters'