This repository contains a list of papers on graph out-of-distribution adaptation.
Check out our survey: Beyond Generalization: A Survey of Out-Of-Distribution Adaptation on Graphs
Name | Category | Paper | Code |
IW | Instance Weighting | [TheWebConf 2013] Predicting positive and negative links in signed social networks by transfer learning | [N/A] |
NES-TL | Instance Weighting | [TNSE 2020] Nes-tl: Network embedding similarity-based transfer learning | [N/A] |
RSS-GNN | Instance Weighting | [BIBM 2022] Reinforced Sample Selection for Graph Neural Networks Transfer Learning | [N/A] |
DR-GST | Instance Weighting | [TheWebConf 2022] Confidence may cheat: Self-training on graph neural networks under distribution shift | Code |
FakeEdge | Graph Transformation | [LoG 2022] Fakeedge: Alleviate dataset shift in link prediction | Code |
Bridged-GNN | Graph Transformation | [CIKM 2023] Bridged-GNN: Knowledge Bridge Learning for Effective Knowledge Transfer | Code |
DC-GST | Graph Transformation | [WSDM 2024] Distribution consistency based self-training for graph neural networks with sparse labels | [N/A] |
Name | Category | Paper | Code |
GraphControl | Fine-tuning | [arXiv] GraphControl: Adding Conditional Control to Universal Graph Pre-trained Models for Graph Domain Transfer Learning | [N/A] |
SOGA | Fine-tuning | [WSDM 2024] Source free unsupervised graph domain adaptation | Code |
GAPGC | Fine-tuning | [ICML 2022] GraphTTA: Test Time Adaptation on Graph Neural Networks | [N/A] |
GT3 | Parameter Sharing | [arXiv] Test-time training for graph neural networks | [N/A] |
GraphGLOW | Parameter Sharing | [KDD 2023] GraphGLOW: Universal and Generalizable Structure Learning for Graph Neural Networks | Code |
Name | Category | Paper | Code |
FRGNN | Feature Reconstruction | [arXiv] FRGNN: Mitigating the Impact of Distribution Shift on Graph Neural Networks via Test-Time Feature Reconstruction | [N/A] |
GTRANS | Graph Transformation | [ICLR 2023] Empowering graph representation learning with test-time graph transformation | Code |