This is an experimental project of Cocos2d-x 3.3 from Cocos2d-x team, featuring the characteristics below:
- Sprite3D
- Animation3D
- Mesh
- Billboard
- Camera
- Light
- New audio engine
The code of this project and Cocos2d-x are all licensed under MIT
BGMs are copyrighted by Matthew Pablo, and licensed under CC-BY 3.0
You may not use any art including 2d and 3d from this project for commercial purpose
##Runtime support The projetc contains 3 kinds of runtimes: win32, ios_mac and Android.
###ios_mac runtime
Path: FantasyWarrior3D/frameworks/runtime-src/proj.ios_mac/FantasyWarrior3D.xcodeproj
###win32 runtime
Path: FantasyWarrior3D/frameworks/runtime-src/proj.win32/FantasyWarrior3D.sln
. The Visual Studio 2012 above is required.
###android runtime
Path: FantasyWarrior3D/frameworks/runtime-src/
Some of the classes from the engine have been modified, so you can't run this project by other cocos2d-x engine except the folder of frameworks\cocos2d-x\
- Game Effects: Wu Hao
- Game Logic: Fu Sijie
- Game Logic: Li Jun
- Game Logic: Gao Huang
- Game UI & Sound Man: Rao Zijian
- 3D technical support: Liu Liang, Hou Yingtao, Lv long, etc