ugamela is a open-source clone of the popular browsergame ogame, developed by the Gameforge 4D GmbH. It first appeared around the year 2006, when Peberos published the source-code for his version of ugamela. It stayed open-source until the version 0.2-r13, which can still be found for download. After this, Peberos continued to improve ugamela as a closed-source browsergame.
Now, many years later, ugamela is back, redone completely from scratch with the latest web-technologies available. Its goal is to be as close to the original ogame (also known as ogame classic) as possible.
This open-source project is still in an alpha-state, please do not use this in an production-environment. Currently, not many features are available and this game is not fully playable. Feel free to contribute by making a pull-request.
┌─── core/ # → contains all necessary classes
│ │── classes/ # → classes for the ORM-Mapping and parent-classes
│ │ │── data # → classes, which map database-values to objects
│ │ └── units # → classes for various ingame-units
│ ├── controllers/ # → all needed controller-classes
│ ├── interfaces/ # → interfaces the classes
│ ├── language/ # → contains all translations in subfolders named after their ISO 639-1 language-code
│ ├── models/ # → all needed model-classes
│ ├── templates/ # → template for each site (HTML)
│ └── views/ # → all needed view-classes
├── css/ # → css for all pages outside of the game
├── images/ # → images for all pages outside of the game
├── install/ # → contains the necessary files for a first-time setup
├── scripts/ # → javascript-files
├── skins/ # → skins, which are useable ingame (all images and css for the game must go here)
├── game.php # → the main php-file, which dynamically loads the needed pages
├── index.php # → redirects to the game.php if logged in, else to the login-page
├── login.php # → login-form for the user
├── logout.php # → user-logout
└── register.php # → registration
- This project uses is being developed with the (currently) latest release of PHP (Version 7.1.9) and mariaDB (Version 10.2). For a easy quick start, use the latest release of XAMPP or use Docker with the necessary containers.
- After setting up your environment, import the sql-file located in the install directory.
- Edit the config.sample.php in the core-folder to match your server-configuration and rename it to config.php.
A live-demo can be found here. This demo may not always contain the latest version of this repository.
The credentials for the test-account are:
Username: test
Password: test
The documentation is hosted on the same server as the game.
For any further questions, support or general talk, please visit our Discord by clicking on the image below or follow the link.