Sometimes we use the http-translating-domain-to-dns service provided by the cloud servicers(like Amazon Route 53, AlibabaCloud httpdns, Tencent Cloud httpdns) for avoiding dns-hijacking & improving the network performance. electron-httpdns is build as a middleware for the devlopers who wants to use the above domain-to-dns service in their electron applications.
Since i'm just working with AlibabaCloud httpdns right now, so it support only alibaba httpdns service currently.But TecentCloud provides a free httpdns service right now, so that'll be supported soon. Amazon Route 53 will be the last one in the future.
Install electron-httpdns
npm i --save electron-httpdns
yarn add electron-httpdns
import {dnsResolverManager} from 'electron-httpdns'
//for example
const config = {
type: 'ali', // defines which service you use, only support "ali" currently.
secret: 'your-ali-httpdns-secret', // only required when you'r using alibaba-cloud
accountId: 'your-ali-httpdns-accountId', // only required when you'r using alibaba-cloud
servers: ['servers-ip-address-that-alibaba-cloud provided'] // there's some default ip address,so this one could be skipped.BUT, if you use it, it would replace the default servers(not concat).
httpExecutor: async (url) => {
// an http request that can accept an url string.
// for example, axios.get
return await axios.get(url) // and should return data formatted like this {ips: []}
const resovler = dnsResolverManager(confg)
console.log(ip) // ‘’yon
Class HttpDnsURL is extended from URL. Add the ip attribute. And re-writes the href getter that use the ip to replace the hostname. And re-write host getter to return the origin-domain.
import {HttpDnsURL} from 'electron-httpdns'
const url = new HttpDnsURL('/path', '', {
ip: ''
console.log(url.href) //
console.log( //