- Use Icon Library e.g. Heroicons (you need to adjust your css to not apply fill colors)
- Remove all any types and type properly
A one-stop platform for consolidating tasks related to personal mastery of your chosen subjects
[Go Figma] (https://www.figma.com/file/twebVJf4ML6HEfrUnFmojm/Personal-Curriculum?node-id=0%3A19)
Logo Font: Comfortaa Bold -> CSS class logo
Heading: Poppins Bold -> CSS class heading
Subheading: Poppins Semibold -> CSS class subheading
Tags: Poppins Semibold -> CSS class tag
Paragraph: Work Sans -> CSS applied to all <\p>
primary: "#73C2FB" = Maya Blue secondary: "#FFC8A6" = Peach Crayola customPink: "#FFADC5" = Nadeshiko Pink customGreen: "#A1CB9B" = Eton Blue customYellow: "#FCF8C0" = Lemon Chiffon
move to project folder
open terminal
$ npm install
$ npm run dev