This repository archives the my solutions to the leetcode (bi-)/weekly contest and an campaign of one problem per day in March and April 2020. All solutions are implemented in Rust.
Weekly Contests are listed in reverse chronological order:
Date | Name | Solution |
April 30 | 202. 快乐数* | Rust |
April 29 | 1095. 山脉数组中查找目标值*** | Rust |
April 28 | 面试题56 - I. 数组中数字出现的次数** | Rust |
April 27 | 33. 搜索旋转排序数组** | Rust |
April 26 | 23. 合并K个排序链表*** | |
April 25 | 46. 全排列** | Rust |
April 24 | 面试题51. 数组中的逆序对***⭐️ | Rust |
April 23 | 面试题 08.11. 硬币** | Rust |
April 22 | 199. 二叉树的右视图** | Rust |
April 21 | 1248. 统计「优美子数组」** | Rust |
April 20 | 200. 岛屿数量** | Rust |
April 19 | 466. 统计重复个数***⭐️ | |
April 18 | 11. 盛最多水的容器** | Rust |
April 17 | 55. 跳跃游戏** | Rust |
April 16 | 56. 合并区间** | Rust |
April 15 | 542. 01 矩阵** | Rust |
April 14 | 445. 两数相加 II** | Rust |
April 13 | 355. 设计推特** | Rust |
April 12 | 面试题 16.03. 交点*** | Rust |
April 11 | 887. 鸡蛋掉落***⭐️ | Rust |
April 10 | 151. 翻转字符串里的单词** | Rust |
April 9 | 22. 括号生成** | Rust |
April 8 | 面试题13. 机器人的运动范围 LCOF** | Rust |
April 7 | 面试题 01.07. 旋转矩阵** | Rust |
April 6 | 72. 编辑距离*** | Rust |
April 5 | 460. LFU缓存*** | 链表不易实现 |
April 4 | 42. 接雨水*** | Rust |
April 3 | 8. 字符串转换整数 (atoi)** | Rust |
April 2 | 289. 生命游戏** | Rust |
April 1 | 1111. 有效括号的嵌套深度** |
Code Your Future Programming Contest solo is held at April 18. I ranked 1488 out of 4094 participants. Poor result! I would still put the problems and solution below:
Index | Name | Solution |
1 | 拿硬币* | Rust |
2 | 传递信息** | Rust |
3 | 剧情触发时间**⭐️ | Rust |
4 | 最小跳跃次数***⭐️ | Rust |
5 | 二叉树任务调度***⭐️ | Rust |
Code Your Future Programming Contest team is held at April 25. I did not take part in it. But I still finish the contest afterwards. Below lists the solution of my own.