A Python package that provides an efficient way to upload pandas DataFrame to MySQL and download from the database table into a DataFrame.
Data Structures package for Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures using Python
[爬虫框架 (golang)] An awesome Go concurrent Crawler(spider) framework. The crawler is flexible and modular. It can be expanded to an Individualized crawler easily or you can use the default crawl comp…
Apollo is a reliable configuration management system suitable for microservice configuration management scenarios.
umknow / SMP_LPR
Forked from Caius-Lu/SMP_LPR利用树莓派实现车牌识别,其中借鉴了大神的代码,调用摄像头,实现了车牌识别,设计一款基于树莓派实现车牌识别的智能限高杆。系统可以分为辨识部分和警示部分,辨识部分以树莓派3B+为核心处理器,基于Linux平台,利用激光对准模块来判断车辆是否超出限定高度,若超过则辅以摄像头来作为抓取车辆信息。通过python3.5和OpenCV来对含有车牌信息的图片,进行高斯去噪、灰度化、边缘检测、二值化、闭操作…
A python wrapper for Browsermob Proxy
A free utility to help web developers watch and manipulate network traffic from their AJAX applications.
Old Celery integration project for Django
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