Real Time Analytics Dashboard using SHACK (Spark Structured Streaming, Hadoop, Akka, Cassandra, Kafka) Stack and Dash by Plotly an open source real time dashboard
This project contains all the details on how to build Real Time Analytics Dashboard to analyze click stream events.
The real time dashboard displays live incoming clicks aggregated per second.
You can completely build and run this project in AWS/On-Premise. You can run the spark streaming app on either your on-premise hadoop/spark stand alone cluster, or on EMR. For ease of use and demonstration purpose, the spark app is ran on EMR cluster and I installed zookeeper, kafka, cassandra, and dash on single EC2 instance.
- Spin up an EC2 instance in AWS or on your on-premise
- Follow instructions from kafka_setup.txt
- Follow instructions from cassandra_setup.txt
- Follow instructions from dash_setup.txt
- Spin up an EMR(emr-5.15.0) cluster which has Hadoop & Spark(2.3)
Events (clickstream, IOT sensors, tweets etc) ==> Kafka (messaging queue) ==> Spark Streaming (Real Time ETL) ==> Cassandra (Datastore) ==> Dash (Real Time Dashboard)
- Run
sbt clean assembly
to build the jar - scp the jar to EC2 instance and EMR master node.
- SSH into EC2 instance and run the following command to produce some sample click events.
is a time variable in minutes you want it to produce events.
nohup java -cp RealTime_Load-assembly-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar com.indeed.dataengineering.task.kafka.Producer -e=dev --runFor=10 --sleepTime=1000 > kafka.log 2>&1 &
- Run the following command to initiate the Dash dashboard to see the click stream events flowing to cassandra. You can see
the dashboard on
http://<ec2 instance>:8050/
nohup python <ec2-instance> > dash.log 2>&1 &
- SSH into EMR cluster and run the following command to run Spark Streaming app that consumes events from kafka and perform real time ETL and dump the raw/aggregated data into Cassandra.
spark-submit \
--name RealTime_Load \
--master yarn \
--deploy-mode client \
--driver-memory=10G \
--num-executors=5 \
--executor-cores=3 \
--executor-memory=2G \
RealTime_Load-assembly-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -e=prod
If everything is setup correctly, when the link http://<ec2-instance>:8050/
is open, you should see the following.