Template web site in xhtml5 for Marta
To make it work without the web server you have to accept that the paths end up with index.html
, otherwise comment in the _config.yml
file line
# index: "index.html"
Comment out all rige
# events
output: true
delete the item ["events", "/ events /"] from the row below
# site Menu [ [ neme_link, absolute_path ], ... ]
delete the item ["blog", "/blog/"] from the row below
# Site Menu [[neme_link, absolute_path], ...]
And delete the directory /blog
and /_post`
The print logs, in chronological order, everything printed elsewhere, are post, etc. events.
delete the item ["log", "/log/"] from the row below
# Site Menu [[neme_link, absolute_path], ...]
And delete the /log
The messages on the home can be found in _home
. The messages are
sorted according to the file names