Integration of the Zooz payment platform in your Symfony2&AngularJS project.
This bundle assumes you have installed AngularJs in your project.
###Step 1: Download the bundle
> composer require undf/zooz-payment-bundle dev-master
###Step2: Enable the bundle
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Undf\ZoozPaymentBundle\UndfZoozPaymentBundle(),
# app/config.yml
unique_id: <your Zooz application unique id>
app_key: <your Zoop application app key>
sandbox_mode: true #Enable/disable the Zooz server sandbox mode
ajax_mode: true #If true, Zooz server transaction response will be handled from client side
entity: YourBundle:Payment #Your payment entity class
manager: #Service id of your payment manager class
templates: #These templates are only used in non-ajax mode
return: UndfZoozPaymentBundle:Transaction:return.html.twig #Succeed payment template
cancel: UndfZoozPaymentBundle:Transaction:cancel.html.twig #Failed payment template
# app/routing.yml
resource: "@UndfZoozPaymentBundle/Controller/"
type: annotation
prefix: /
#Use ##Server side ####Step 1: Create your Payment entity
namespace Your\Bundle\Entity;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use Undf\ZoozPaymentBundle\Entity\BasePayment;
* @ORM\Table()
* @ORM\Entity
class Payment extends BasePayment
Note: Alternatively, you can directly implement the interface Undf\ZoozPaymentBundle\Model\PaymentInterface.
####Step 2: Create your InvoiceItem entity (optional) As an option, the bundle allows you to configure a list of items to be included in the invoice which is shown on the Zooz window (only for Paypal payments). If you want to do so, you need to create an InvoiceItem entity:
namespace Your\Bundle\Entity;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use Undf\ZoozPaymentBundle\Entity\BaseInvoiceItem;
* @ORM\Table()
* @ORM\Entity
class InvoiceItem extends BaseInvoiceItem
Note: Alternatively, you can directly implement the interface Undf\ZoozPaymentBundle\Model\InvoiceItemInterface.
And you also need to overwrite the "getInvoiceItemCollection" method in your Payment entity class:
class Payment extends BasePayment
public function getInvoiceItemCollection()
//Return the entity property holding your item collection, where every item
//must implement Undf\ZoozPaymentBundle\Model\InvoiceItemInterface
return $this->collection;
####Step 3: Create your Payment manager class
Make sure your manager class implements the Undf\ZoozPaymentBundle\Model\PaymentManagerInterface.
namespace Your\Bundle\Manager;
use Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\RegistryInterface;
use Undf\ZoozPaymentBundle\Model\PaymentManagerInterface;
use Undf\ZoozPaymentBundle\Model\PaymentInterface;
class PaymentManager implements PaymentManagerInterface
protected $em;
public function __construct(RegistryInterface $doctrine)
$this->em = $doctrine->getManagerForClass('YourBundle:Payment');
public function update(PaymentInterface $payment)
public function handlePaymentSuccess(PaymentInterface $payment)
public function handlePaymentFail(PaymentInterface $payment)
Adds your manager class to the service container
<service id="" class="Your\Bundle\Manager\PaymentManager">
<argument type="service" id="doctrine" />
####Step 4: Create your transaction controller
namespace Your\Bundle\Controller
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route;
class YourTransactionController extends Controller
* @Route("/your/transaction/url")
public function yourTransactionAction()
//Validate, manage or do whatever you want to do with the transaction request
//Just make sure you return this:
$transactionHandler = $this->get('undf_zooz_payment.handler.open_transaction');
return $transactionHandler->openTransaction($payment);
##Client side ####Step 1: Include the required scripts Add following line in your payment template:
{% include 'UndfZoozPaymentBundle:Transaction:start.html.twig' %}
####Step 2: Enable the AngularJs controller Add the following attribute to your "Pay" button HTML element:
####Step 3: Trigger the Zooz payment window On the callback of your transaction controller url call the "startZooz" function:
$http.get('/your/transaction/url').success(function(response) {
####Step 4: (only for AJAX mode) Handle the transaction response from the Zooz server There can be multiple ways to handle the succeed of failed transaction responses, so what have been done in this bundle is to emit two AngularJs events from the "ZoozPaymentCtrl" controller. So, in order to handle the response from the Zooz server, you can listen for those events and do whatever you want afterwards.
This is an example made inside a controller which manages the scope where the "ZoozPaymentCtrl" controller is located:
function MyCustomCtrl($scope, $window) {
$scope.$on('zooz.payment.success', function(event, response) {
$scope.$on('zooz.payment.error', function(event, response) {