Analyze opennms events with Kibana
This is a camel route so it needs Java, Maven 3, Elasticsearch and a database user with access to the postgres db where opennms stores its data.
- clone this repository, then cd into it
- create the views and support tables using the script in the sql folder. It is recommended to create a dedicate postgres user for this process
- start elasticsearch on the same node where you will run this process. Configure the elasticsearch cluster name to be 'opennms'
- deploy kibana (optional, can be done later)
- start the process by running on a shell:
mvn camel:run -Dpostgres.user=opennmsevents -Dpostgres.password=secretpassword
wait for the process to load ALL of your events into elasticsearch. This can take a lot of time/cpu/disk depending on the number of events. If you want to load only recent events tweak the view created at step 1 by adding a filter on eventtime
When you have enough events loaded, point your browser to kibana and start creating your own dashboards!
An init.d script (named camel-opennms) for starting opennms-events as a system service is available in the init.d directory. The script assumes that you will run the service as appuser:apache, edit line 34 to change user/group.
A RPM (tested on Centos 6, should work on 7, not on 5) is available at:
JDK 7 or higher is required, make sure it is installed, because the rpm does not explicitly require it.
Install the latest opennms-events rpm and elasticsearch. A tipical one-node elasticsearch configuration would be the following: opennms false [""]
Remember that opennms-events and elastisearch must be running on the same node as they will commmunicate over!
Configure opennms-events by editing the /etc/sysconfig/opennms-events file. Set database host, user and password according to your setup. If you are running opennms-events on the same host as opennms and opennms uses the default database config leave the defaults.
Create the views and support table in the opennms database using the /opt/opennms-events/opennms_events.sql script. For example, copy the sql script over to the database host and as the postgres user run:
psql opennms < opennms_events.sql
Start elastiscsearch and then opennms-events. Review the logs in /var/log/opennms-events.{log,err}. If all goes well after a while (~20s) elasticsearch should start ingesting data and the /var/lib/elasticsearch directory should start growing in size.
Install Kibana and start browsing your events!