Want to create a react component module? This CLI utility creates scaffolding needed to do so.
react-component your-component-name
// or
react-component -d "The best component ever" -o ./path/to/components your-component-name
react-component [options] component-name
-o where to create the component
--outdir eg: react-component -o ./path/to/modules/ my-component
-d description of the component
--description eg: react-component -d "the best component evah" my-component
--list show all available releases
--release create a component from a specific template release version
defaults to latest (${l})
The project template this CLI uses can be found at https://github.com/uniqname/react-component-template.
A given version of the template can be synced with this generator by running npm run download-template -- --tag <tag name>
Please see contributing doc.