pycorrector Public
Forked from shibing624/pycorrectorpycorrector is a toolkit for text error correction. It was developed to facilitate the designing, comparing, and sharing of deep text error correction models.
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 20, 2019 -
neo4j-python-pandas-py2neo-v3 Public
Forked from MazzaWill/neo4j-python-pandas-py2neo-v3利用pandas将excel中数据抽取,以三元组形式加载到neo4j数据库中构建相关知识图谱
Python UpdatedDec 12, 2018 -
nlp_course Public
Forked from yandexdataschool/nlp_courseYSDA course in Natural Language Processing
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedNov 12, 2018 -
wandora Public
Forked from wandora-team/wandoraWandora is a general purpose information extraction, management and publishing application based on Topic Maps and Java.
Java GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedOct 16, 2018 -
KG-demo-for-movie Public
Forked from SimmerChan/KG-demo-for-movie从无到有构建一个电影知识图谱,并基于该KG,开发一个简易的KBQA程序。
Python UpdatedSep 5, 2018 -
KB2E Public
Forked from thunlp/KB2EKnowledge Graph Embeddings including TransE, TransH, TransR and PTransE
C++ MIT License UpdatedAug 30, 2018 -
scikit-kge Public
Forked from mnick/scikit-kgePython library to compute knowledge graph embeddings
Python MIT License UpdatedAug 13, 2018 -
chat Public
Forked from Decalogue/chat基于自然语言理解与机器学习的聊天机器人,支持多用户并发及自定义多轮对话
Python MIT License UpdatedJul 31, 2018 -
TextRank4ZH Public
Forked from letiantian/TextRank4ZH🌳从中文文本中自动提取关键词和摘要
Python MIT License UpdatedJul 3, 2018 -
sklearn-introduction Public
Forked from YouChouNoBB/data-mining-introduction3节课简单入门一下sklearn
Python UpdatedApr 27, 2018 -
knowledge_graph_demo Public
Forked from li10141110/knowledge_graph_demoThis is a demo for a simple knowledge graph.
Python UpdatedApr 19, 2018 -
ollie Public
Forked from knowitall/ollieOllie is a open information extractor that uses bootstrapped dependency paths.
Scala Other UpdatedJan 19, 2018 -
MachineLearning Public
Forked from wepe/MachineLearningBasic Machine Learning and Deep Learning
Python UpdatedDec 7, 2017 -
LearningDataMiningWithPython Public
Forked from dataPipelineAU/LearningDataMiningWithPythonJupyter Notebook UpdatedSep 27, 2016 -
Big-Data-Resources Public
Forked from weiweifan/Big-Data-Resources大数据/数据挖掘/推荐系统/机器学习相关资源
UpdatedMar 13, 2014 -
reverb Public
Forked from knowitall/reverbWeb-Scale Open Information Extraction
Java UpdatedSep 16, 2013