A swing application about management of Group Play in DNF.
This is my first swing application for study java swing. About why I made it, there is a lot to say.
In DNF, there is a game mode for multiplayer at most 20 to kill a huge turtle. The huge turtle is atrocity so that every team need a commander to schedule members.
At first, I used txt to schedule member, but then I thought it crude. So I tried excel. As amount of members increased, and one may be have multiple roles, so it propeled me to make a management system. Finally it born.
To register a new commander.
Logining with your commander identification.
The main interface of system. You can enter each menu.
Here you can scan your team members with their details and modify them. Also you can add a new member or remove an old member.
This is the most important interface for commander to edit a team with detailed information, and then members should be scheduled by according to it.
Commader can check every schedule tables here, even upload your screenshoot after defeating huge turtle.