micahbrich / league-mono
Forked from theleagueof/league-monoReleased in 2017, a new monospace typeface from The League of Moveable Type
A fantastic new revival of ATF's classic Spartan, a geometric sans-serif that has no problem kicking its enemies in the chest.
unixusermv / fanwood
Forked from theleagueof/fanwoodA serif based on the work of a famous Czech-American type designer of yesteryear.
A serif based on the work of a famous Czech-American type designer of yesteryear.
My LaTeX templates, bibliography file, etc.
Luke's Auto-Rice Bootstrapping Scripts: Installation Scripts for My Arch Linux Meta-Distribution
My status bar: my build of the modular dwmblocks
Luke's fork of the suckless simple terminal (st) with vim bindings and Xresource compatibility.
A general-purpose tool for dynamic report generation in R
A lightweight, cross-platform, portable, and easy-to-maintain LaTeX distribution based on TeX Live
A system for CVs/resumes and websites based on markdown files