The ses-tail
program provides tail
like output for SES mail notifications.
Amazon's Simple Email Service (SES) is a simple way to send email but handling delivery, bounce or complaint notifications requires setting up SNS and a notification endpoint.
expects a SES => SNS => SQS architecture. It will receive, print and delete SES notifications from an SQS queue producing output suitable for piping to grep
, jq
, etc.
- go v1.4+
- git
- godep
> go get
> go get
> cd $GOPATH/src/
> godep go install
Now $GOPATH/bin/ses-tail
should be available to use
> ses-tail -queue https://sqs.<region><accountid>/<sqs-name>
This is the simpliest usage. Only the SQS queue URL is required. Additional flags are avaiable for the AWS access id, access secret, etc.
> ses-tail -h
Usage of ses-tail:
-access_id="": (optional) AWS Access ID, auto-detected if blank
-format="maillog": (optional) output format, maillog|json
-nopurge=false: leave messages in queue after receiving them
-q="": (required) SQS queue URL -- shorthand
-queue="": (required) SQS queue URL
-region="us-west-2": (optional) AWS region
-secret_id="": (optional) AWS Access ID, auto-detected if blank
can output the raw notification JSON. This is best combined with a tool like jq
This example uses jq
to extract the diagnostic info out of a bounce notification:
> ses-tail -q <queueurl> -format json | jq '.bounce.bouncedRecipients[0].diagnosticCode'
"smtp; 550-5.1.1 The email account that you tried to reach does not exist....."
This Cloudformation template creates three SNS topics plus connected SQS queues for SES notifications. Connecting to SES to the SNS topics must be done manually through the API or AWS console.