Fez frontend is a web interface application for digital repository.
UQ's branding for Fez is UQ eSpace.
- legacy eSpace application https://espace.library.uq.edu.au/
- current build https://development.library.uq.edu.au/espace/master (or your feature branch)
- Code:
React (~0.15), Javascript (ES2015 - Babel), Immutable, SASS
- State:
Redux, ReduxForm
- Design:
Google Material Design - Material UI
- Build and dev tools:
- Tests:
This project is using yarn
for dependency management. Make sure yarn
is installed on your machine.
npm install yarn -g
- installyarn
yarn start
- The website is now running onhttp://localhost:3000/
on dev api (requires additional setup of uqlibrary/api project)yarn start:mock
- The website is now running onhttp://localhost:3000/
on mock data- for Hot Reloading to work in IntelliJ products, turn "safe write" off in the settings
yarn start:build
will run production build version onhttp://dev-espace.library.uq.edu.au:9000/
to your /etc/hosts)
Mock data is provided for all pages and actions under src/mock/
- any custom reject() by promises should return an object with status and message defined
{status: 401, message: 'Unauthorised user'}
Example - any custom catch() methods of promises should process known errors and throw other errors. Example
Jest is used as testing tool for unit tests. Any HTMl markup is to be tested with snapshots.
- install jest
npm install jest -g
- run tests
npm test
Before committing changes, locally run tests and update stapshots (if required). To update snapshots run npm test -- -u
Nightwatch.js is used to run end to end tests.
- start dist version of the project by
yarn start:build:e2e
- runs application in mock mode - while dist version of the project is running, start tests by
yarn test:e2e
Codeship setup:
nohup bash -c "yarn start:build:e2e 2>&1 &" && sleep 20; cat nohup.out
yarn test:e2e
To run website on mock data run yarn start:mock
webserver will start on http://localhost:3000/
The project allows the user to "login" as any test user. Simply add ?user=<username>
to the request and it will log you
in as that user. Usernames can be found in the src/mock/data/accounts.js
- anonymous user: http://localhost:3000/?user=anon#/
- registered user: http://localhost:3000/?user=uqinewton#/
Application deployment is 100% automated using Codeship, and is hosted in S3. All deployment data is stored within Codeship. Deployment pipelines are setup for branches: "master", "production" and any branch starting with "feature-".
- TBA: Deployments to production are hosted on https://espace.library.uq.edu.au/
- All other branches are deployed on https://development.library.uq.edu/espace/`branchName`/.
Fez-frontend includes GTM (Google Tag Manager). GTM is set at webpack build time in webpack configuration. It can be setup as an environmental variable at CI level if required.
GTM is very flexible and easy to configure to track required events. See more details on Google Analytics