debpackager Public
cli tool used for creating debian packages
solders Public
Forked from kevinheavey/soldersA high-performance Python toolkit for Solana, written in Rust
Rust Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 4, 2024 -
iced Public
Forked from iced-rs/icedA cross-platform GUI library for Rust, inspired by Elm
Rust MIT License UpdatedApr 26, 2022 -
fakeredis Public
Forked from jamesls/fakeredisFake implementation of redis API (redis-py) for testing purposes
Python Other UpdatedSep 25, 2018 -
redicts Public
A utility package to save arbitrary nested Python dicts and objects in Redis
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedFeb 20, 2018 -
ansible Public
Forked from ansible/ansibleAnsible is a radically simple IT automation platform that makes your applications and systems easier to deploy. Avoid writing scripts or custom code to deploy and update your applications— automate…
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJul 17, 2016 -
TES Public
TorrentLeech enhancement suite
ZeroNet Public
Forked from HelloZeroNet/ZeroNetZeroNet - Decentralized websites using Bitcoin crypto and BitTorrent network
Python GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedApr 20, 2016 -
joinmarket Public
Forked from JoinMarket-Org/joinmarketCoinJoin implementation with incentive structure to convince people to take part
Python UpdatedNov 9, 2015 -
chatter-bot-api Public
Forked from pierredavidbelanger/chatter-bot-apiA Mono/.NET, JAVA, Python and PHP chatter bot API that supports Cleverbot, JabberWacky and Pandorabots.
PHP UpdatedSep 21, 2015 -
python-telegram-bot Public
Forked from python-telegram-bot/python-telegram-botA Python wrapper around the Telegram Bot API.
Python GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedJul 21, 2015 -
the-art-of-command-line Public
Forked from jlevy/the-art-of-command-lineMaster the command line, in one page
UpdatedJun 16, 2015 -
bisbus Public
Android widget that shows you in real time the amount of money left on 10bis or Cbus
GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedDec 31, 2014 -
SE-desktop-notifier Public
Notifies users about new questions in Stack Exchange community
MIT License UpdatedDec 29, 2014 -
Selenium-Grid-Extras Public
Forked from groupon/Selenium-Grid-ExtrasSimplify the managment of the Selenium Grid Nodes and stabilize said nodes by cleaning up the test environment after the build has been completed
Ruby BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedDec 8, 2014 -
bitcoin-arbitrage Public
Forked from maxme/bitcoin-arbitrageBitcoin arbitrage - opportunity detector
Python UpdatedJul 26, 2014 -
BitShares-PTS-abe Public
Forked from InvictusInnovations/BitShares-PTS-abeAbe: block browser for Bitcoin and similar currencies
Python GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 UpdatedFeb 23, 2014 -
HomeRemote Public
Full suite of home automation software based around Raspberry Pi
Minecraft Public
Forked from fogleman/MinecraftSimple Minecraft-inspired program using Python and Pyglet
Python MIT License UpdatedFeb 3, 2013 -
connectbot Public
Forked from vx/connectbotEnhanced version of the popular ConnectBot SSH and telnet client
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 23, 2012