Plotly Dash is a Python web framework, in which you can easily build production-ready dashboards, in a highly customizable way. You can create dashboards which can have localization (multiple languages), multiple pages, filtering through callbacks, and you can create visually appealing dashboards according to your imagination (using the power of html and css). Not only that, you can also deploy your trained Machine and Deep Learning algorithms, wihtout using APIs. This is the power of Dash!
In this dashboard, I have not used filtering, although you can, for instance, changing the year from a dropdown will show data wrt that year. Also, you can show data for a given store from a dropdown. You then have to use the Callback function in Dash to create that kind of interactivity. In the end, you can deploy your Dash app on any cloud you like. I have deployed many Dash apps on Heroku Cloud.