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React Hooks Movie Management Application

React movies application provides a simple list of movies.

Main features

Your task is to complete a simple movie management application by adding 4 main features:

  • Listing all the movies
  • Creating a new movie by filling a form
  • Deleting an existing movie
  • Rating a movie using stars 1-5

Make sure that:

  • all the tests pass
  • you stick to the names of the props of the original components (don't refactor them), so that the automatic tests don't break


  • Each movie contains id, title, subtitle, description, imageUrl and ratings fields. See typescript types in the types.ts file
  • The application is mocking HTTP requests:
    • api/movies.ts file includes function which retrieves the movies data from an API. The application loads the data only once, stores it locally - and from this moment, it updates the local state
    • the mock API response is included in the data/movies.json file
    • the data/testdata.ts file provide movies for the tests
  • movies/ratings.ts file includes functions related to the Movie model (average rate)
  • movies/useMoviesReducer.tsx file includes a stub of a react hook which implements state management, used by the MovieProvider
  • shared/components folder contains helper "view" components, e.g. for star rating and form inputs


  • Implement MovieCard component that will display data and actions of a single movie it gets through a prop
    • imageUrl, title, subtitle, description
    • Add delete option for a movie, which should call a handler and dispatch an appropriate action
    • Display stars that are clickable through StarRating component
    • Display an average rating
  • In movies/useMoviesReducer.tsx file, the useMoviesReducer custom hook (built on top of useReducer and used in MovieProvider to pass down its state via context) should allow to dispatch following actions:
    • fetch - provide initial data with api/movies
    • add - add a new valid movie, thanks to filling a form
    • delete - delete a certain movie by clicking a button
    • rate - rate a movie (which aggregates all the rates)
  • Finish MovieList component which displays a list of movies as MovieCards
    • Card at the end should contain an AddMovieButton initially, or display AddMovieForm once clicked
    • Each of the actions inside AddMovieForm (adding a movie or canceling the form) should lead back to the AddMovieButton
  • Finish AddMovieButton component to display Add movie label and to call appropriate handler (that switches to form)
  • Implement AddMovieForm component that should show 4 text input fields: url (of the movie image), title, subtitle and description. When all the fields are filled and the form is submitted, a new movie should be added and displayed


  • Your solution will be evaluated against a suite of integration tests which rely on various components. Make sure all these tests pass.
  • Some tests use test IDs (data-testid), others rely on button labels, etc. You don't need to change anything there, but make sure your implementation matches test requirements. Do not modify the tests.
  • Integration tests use a Page Object pattern. It provides a clean, functionality-oriented API which hides the details of the underlying DOM structure.


Follow these steps for correct application setup:

  1. npm install – install dependencies
  2. npm test – run all tests (should fail unless you fix the app)
  3. npm run test:watch - run all tests in watch mode (optionally, you can use it locally if you prefer)
  4. npm start – serve the app at http://localhost:3000/ (it automatically opens the app in your default browser)

Good Luck!


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