Surfstore is a cloud-based file storage service(similar to Dropbox). Multiple clients can sync files from and to the cloud.
The SurfStore service is composed of two services:
BlockStore: The content of each file in SurfStore is divided up into chunks, or blocks, each of which has a unique identifier. This service stores these blocks, and when given an identifier, retrieves and returns the appropriate block.
MetadataStore: The MetadataStore service holds the mapping of filenames to hashes of these blocks (and versions).
This is the starter code for Module 3: Surfstore. Before you get started, make sure you understand the following 2 things about Go. (These will also be covered in class and in discussions)
Interfaces: They are named collections of method signatures. Here are some good resources to understand interfaces in Go: a. b.
RPC: You should know how to write RPC servers and clients in Go. The online documentation of the rpc package is a good resource.
You will need to setup your runtime environment variables so that you can build your code and also use the executables that will be generated.
- If you are using a Mac, open
or if you are using a unix/linux machine, open~/.bashrc
. Then add the following:
export GOPATH=<path to starter code>
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
- Run
source ~/.bash_profile
orsource ~/.bashrc
- Only after you have implemented all the methods and completed the
steps, run
script provided with the starter code. This should create 2 executables in thebin
folder inside your starter code directory.
> ./
> ls bin
SurfstoreClientExec SurfstoreServerExec
- Run your server using the script provided in the starter code.
- From a new terminal (or a new node), run the client using the script provided in the starter code (if using a new node, build using step 1 first). Use a base directory with some files in it.
> mkdir dataA
> cp ~/pic.jpg dataA/
> ./ server_addr:port dataA 4096
This would sync pic.jpg to the server hosted on server_addr:port
, using
as the base directory, with a block size of 4096 bytes.
- From another terminal (or a new node), run the client to sync with the server. (if using a new node, build using step 1 first)
> ls dataB/
> ./ server_addr:port dataB 4096
> ls dataB/
pic.jpg index.txt
We observe that pic.jpg has been synced to this client.