The slidesets from all of our past technical talks.
- What is a CTF? - Alex Bellon
- Linux for CTFs - Nathan Huckleberry
- Cryptography 1 - Pooja Chivukula
- Forensics - Alex Bellon
- Networking 1 - Matthew Pabst
- Web 1 - Garrett Gu
- Intro to Assembly - Nathan Huckleberry
- Cryptography 2 - Soham Roy
- Binary Exploitation - Nathan Huckleberry
- Intro to Binary Exploitation - Nathan Huckleberry
- Intermediate Binary Exploitation - Nathan Huckleberry
- Blind Return-Oriented Programming - Nathan Huckleberry
- Linux Kernel Pwning - Joshua Wong
- Intro to Heap Exploitation - Nathan Huckleberry
- How Not To Run a CTF Aaron Soto (Guest speaker)
- Pentesting - Alice Reuter
- Personal Security - Alex Bellon
- The Darknet - Joshua Wong
- Cybersecurity Policy - Abby Krishnan and Ritvik Annam from Texas Civic Tech Project (Guest Speakers)
- HTTPS Side Channels - Matthew Pabst
- TLS - Soham Roy
- WiFi - Soham Roy
- Enumerate like a legend w/ Nmap - Aly A
- How To Use
- Nathan Huckleberry - Angr (2022) - Tristan Wisepape (author) and Daniel Parks (speaker)
- JavaScript Engine Exploits - Matthew Pabst
- HTTP Request Smuggling - Jonathan Fisher from Praetorian (Guest speaker)
- Smashing the Web for Fun and Profit: Intro to Web Testing - Aly
- Architecture and Binary Exploitation - Nathan Huckleberry
- Blind Return Oriented Programming - Nathan Huckleberry
- Heap Exploitation - Joshua Wong
- Ret2Libc and String Format exploits - Nathan Huckleberry
- The Darknet - Joshua Wong
- Using Static Analysis for Security - Aaron Hurst, Synopsys [sponsor talk]