Ehungry app is all you need for your food cravings. Ehungry app has mouth-watering food with beautiful UI. It is visually stunning made by using the latest flutter framework easy-to-use user-friendly interface and eye-candy colors made just for you.
To watch app intro head to -
1.this is the opening screen.
2.this is the login and sign up page for now google and facebook auth is not active but we are working for the integration in V2.
3.This is the main homepage here you can navigate through diffrent catergories of food like burger pizza tacos and more.
4.Each food has its own screen from where you can see its price, rating,calories in it and add it to your cart
5.This is the my cart screen in which all the added items are shown at the bottom estimated time can be seen which changes dynamically as you add more items also you can see the total cost here in addition you can also delete item by pressing the delete icon on each row.
6.This is the final screen when you press checkout button it shows the total cost of order.