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Software for enabling interactive 3D visualization

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  1. 2gltf2 2gltf2 Public

    To glTF 2.0 converter

    Python 93 15

  2. KhronosSandbox KhronosSandbox Public

    Sandbox for Vulkan, SPIR-V and glTF

    C++ 89 2

  3. pbr2gltf2 pbr2gltf2 Public

    Convert PBR images to a glTF material

    C++ 24 1

  4. Metaverse Metaverse Public

    glTF assets for easier usage of Gestaltor in the metaverse

    13 2

  5. mixamo2gltf2 mixamo2gltf2 Public

    Merge two mixamo animation characters into one glTF

    C++ 12

  6. SPIRV-Reflect SPIRV-Reflect Public

    Forked from jaynus/SPIRV-Reflect

    (FORKCEPTION) SPIRV-Reflect is a lightweight library that provides a C/C++ reflection API for SPIR-V shader bytecode in Vulkan applications.

    C 10


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