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UxLabClassWebApp CSV mapping

martinkonopka edited this page Mar 9, 2018 · 4 revisions

UXI.GazeToolkit accepts JSON array of GazeData objects. To convert old UxLabClassWebApp CSV format into JSON array, follow this mapping guideline.

UxLabClassWebApp CSV

Example of data in UxLabClassWebApp CSV format.

26.04.2016 10:21:30.530;-15.129;2.142;648.349;0.586;0.482;0.661;0.575;0.477;0.575;0.477;38.799;176.699;58.077;2.797;0;50.907;0.786;637.116;0.369;0.490;0.623;0.577;0.469;0.577;0.469;39.732;178.784;58.922;2.731;0;1461658865970438

CSV fields to JSON object mapping

In UXI.GazeToolkit GazeData, data of individual eyes are separated into LeftEye and RightEye properties. Some properties requires value conversion from the CSV format (see Converters section below). Ignore *-smooth fields in the CSV data.

    "Timestamp" : ConvertTimestamp(TimeStamp),
    "TrackerTicks" : TobiiTicks,
    "Validity" : ConvertValidity(LeftValidity, RightValidity),
    "LeftEye" : {
        "Validity" : ConvertEyeValidity(LeftValidity),
        "GazePoint2D" : {
            "X" : LeftGazePoint2D-X,
            "Y" : LeftGazePoint2D-Y
        "GazePoint3D" : {
            "X" : LeftGazePoint3D-X,
            "Y" : LeftGazePoint3D-Y,
            "Z" : LeftGazePoint3D-Z,
        "EyePosition3D" : {
            X, Y, Z : LeftEyePosition3D-X, -Y, -Z
        "EyePosition3DRelative" : {
            X, Y, Z : LeftEyePosition3DRelative-X, -Y, -Z
        "PupilDiameter" : LeftPupilSize
    "RightEye" : { ... }
}, ... ]


Converters needed to convert data from CSV format.


Extract time from the DateTime timestamp in CSV:

ConvertTimestamp : 
CSV::TimeStamp            -> JSON::Timestamp
"26.04.2016 10:21:30.530" -> "10:21:30.530"


Create validity string for both eyes from numeric validity codes for individual eyes.

ConvertValidity :
CSV::LeftValidity x CSV::RightValidity -> JSON::Validity
                0 x 0                  -> "Both"
                0 x 4                  -> "Left"
                1 x 3                  -> "ProbablyLeft"
                2 x 2                  -> "UnknownWhichOne"
                3 x 1                  -> "ProbablyRight"
                4 x 0                  -> "Right"
                4 x 4 / else           -> "None"


Convert numeric single eye validity code to string representation.

ConvertEyeValidity :
CSV::LeftValidity   -> JSON::LeftEye.Validity
CSV::RightValidity  -> JSON::RightEye.Validity
0                   -> "Valid"
1                   -> "Probably"
2                   -> "Unknown"
4 / else            -> "Invalid"


Output for the sample CSV input above.

        "Timestamp": "10:21:30.530",
        "TrackerTicks": 1461658865970438,
        "Validity": "Both",
        "LeftEye": {
            "Validity": "Valid",
            "GazePoint2D": {
                "X": 0.575,
                "Y": 0.477
            "GazePoint3D": {
                "X": 38.799,
                "Y": 176.699,
                "Z": 58.077
            "EyePosition3D": {
                "X": -15.129,
                "Y": 2.142,
                "Z": 648.349
            "EyePosition3DRelative": {
                "X": 0.586,
                "Y": 0.482,
                "Z": 0.661
            "PupilDiameter": 2.797
        "RightEye": {
            "Validity": "Valid",
            "GazePoint2D": {
                "X": 0.577,
                "Y": 0.469
            "GazePoint3D": {
                "X": 39.732,
                "Y": 178.784,
                "Z": 58.922
            "EyePosition3D": {
                "X": 50.907,
                "Y": 0.786,
                "Z": 637.116
            "EyePosition3DRelative": {
                "X": 0.369,
                "Y": 0.490,
                "Z": 0.623
            "PupilDiameter": 2.731