Available via chrome webstore at https://chrome.google.com/webstore/category/home
- Navigate Next/Previous links in any page using ▶ and ◀ keys.
- This works by searching for links with the text 'Next', 'Prev' or 'Previous'.
- It won't fire when within a textarea or input element.
- Change any page's width using 'Ctrl Shift -' (decrease), 'Ctrl Shift +' (increase), and 'Ctrl Shift 0' (reset).
- This is especially useful when reading books online. On bigger screens the text can stretch across the entire page making it difficult to read.
- It works by modifying the base html element and so is prone to errors if the page being viewed has a styled html element.
- It is persistent. It remembers the last width you set for any domain and will automatically reset the page to that width when you revisit it.
- Convert a page with a dark unreadable background to a light background using 'Ctrl i'
- This works by injecting a new css file into any page thus forcing a lighter background.
- This is also persistent.
- To reset, hit 'Ctrl i' again.