Obfuscate go binaries. 混淆 go 二进制文件中的函数名
usage: go-smash.py [-h] [-b BINARY_PATH] [-o OUT_PATH] [-n] [-k KEYWORDS [KEYWORDS ...]]
go-smash.py -- Obfuscate go binaries
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-b BINARY_PATH, --binary_path BINARY_PATH
path to the binary that you want to obfuscate
-o OUT_PATH, --out_path OUT_PATH
path to obfuscated binary
-n, --no-log no log
specify the keywords , functions with these keywords in their names will be obfuscated
混淆 ez_CM.exe 中所有包含 main github runtime 关键字的函数名
python go-smash.py -k main github runtime -b ezCM.exe -o ezCM_smashed.exe -n
pip install lief